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Posts posted by MidgetTodd

  1. The trick is to KNOW when you are above your head, and try not to play 'catch the leader'.

    and that is the trick that is hardest for most to learn

    first off that fatal has nothing to do with the group of us on this fourm. casey and brian may have been close to him i really dont know but the rest of us werent. im not going any further into details.

    blakes wreck wasnt from our roads or group riding it was because of MOC.

    cheech wasnt into coshocton yet.

    mikes wreck yesterday was cuz he rides over his head no matter what we tell him.

    when ross and calvin went down they were fresh riders.

    mine was cuz im a shitty rider.

    now how many ppl have wrecked or died in columbus? but yet u still ride in that area??

    had to do something to win!

    could not have said it better !

    I have ridden in many group rides and I know how dangerous they can be when you mix riders and experience levels. I have been riding since 1990 and learned all the lessons the hard way. I am just trying to save the new guys the pain and expense of learning the way I did.

    youve not rode in our group so you cant informatively say that

    People are getting defensive because they believe your assessment of the situation is wrong.

    I personally got faster by going to the track instead of learning from the faster guys on the street but the same philosophy applies. Trust me if they put you on the track by yourself you wouldn't get to your potential. For most people it takes learning from others and it's the least painful was to do it.

    We had several people on this ride who are capable and willing to help others out. When some people came to me suggesting someone might be having issues I went to talk to him first without anyone around, if he would have wanted help or showed more interest in getting help I would have been glad to lead him around for a while until he understood what I was trying to teach him. Adam did that exact thing later in the day. Everyone on this ride had the full support and safety that a group provides.

    I think it's safer to ride in groups plus it gives you the opportunity to learn. I went up front and played around for a while and I rode in the back for a while. I enjoy riding towards the front because its fun to utilize the skills that I have acquired because of others helping me. I also enjoy watching others having a good time and discovering things about their riding. Like, wow you can do that and how can you do that safely? In most cases there are answers to those types of questions that can only come from the opportunity a group can give you.

    and again couldnt have said it better !

    I think all had a great time and I think its safe to say all will come back without hesitation ..... that should be enough said imo . Todd

  2. +1 ... The words "I'll never ride on the back of your bike again"... ummmm, seems to me I've both heard that, and said that. :lol:

    ok in my defence ive only heard it twice and the first time she just didnt have a sense of humor and the second time well i didnt think i was going "that" fast and i though she was joking when she said she was gonna puke

    it took forever to get my jacket clean and i just threw that helmet away and now im a better listner so its all good j3 can ride safe

  3. I figured that was you, for some inexplicable reason I never saved your number on my phone. That's been fixed. :)

    Thanks a ton for the encouragement everyone. Like I said before, I think my biggest problem was not separating nice country spirited rides like what I went on with SWing'r and Hue from grab-your-balls-and-hold-on-wheee! rides like the more experienced people. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

    I think I'll stay in the kiddie pool of Columbus/Delaware for a while. Kinda reminds me of Cedar Point, you need to be this tall to ride the Coshocton ride, and I'm still a widdle kid rocking out on the bumper cars (you can't lowside those). It'll happen, but it's not happening tomorrow.

    Oh yeah, and I scored my first goal of the year just now. It was a beautiful Avery/Brodeur moment, you hardcore hockey fans will know what I'm talking about.

    not to make light of your situation cheech but theres some good quotes there Im gonna use and glad your otay ... and yes jim is good people i know him and have rode with him and hes a otay

    I don't understand why someone didn't tell you to go back home when they saw you ride up on a katana.

    thats plain wrong

  4. I'm never riding coshocton. Someome wads their shit up on every ride. WTF?

    you dont know what your missin

    ease you way into it Mr. A. You dont have enough experience to try chasing these guys on roads you've never ridden.

    I'm gonna take him on some of the milder ones one saturday we'll break him in right and make him the next Rossi , or J rock page either way its all good

  5. wow, I WAY overslept...

    you can still make it

    :lol: I wouldnt be able to keep a straight face!! I would laugh too hard. How bout a raincheck? I'm definitely up for riding Coshocton with some of you... but probably not at the pace you are going to take today... I need some more experience first.... :p (only been riding about 2 months)

    you can ride sweetheart with me "couldnt bring myself to call it bitch with you :) " then you can keep up :D

  6. i wish..... I have been at work since 7am and will be here til 7pm... FML :(

    sneak out for a couple hours , or run to the bathroom moaning and make a bunch of noise in there then come out and say youve really got to go theyll never question that !

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