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Posts posted by MidgetTodd

  1. i'll go with the columbus people out there.....if there are any riding out there i just need to know what time everyone from the columbus area wants to meet and where...i don't ride out there by myself

    Ive heard that one before ,,, and you didnt show are you sure this time :confused:

  2. Hey guys and gals..I was going to not bother mentioning this..but since it seems we have a few people on here who haven't done group rides before...or don't have a lot of experience, I'm gonna throw some simple things out there that are second nature to the more experienced riders.

    * Have adequate spacing between the bikes in the curvy parts of the road. A curve may come up and the person in front of you may grab a lot of brake. If you didn't anticipate that and the person behind you gets caught off guard...etc..etc...it will get ugly really quick. Remember, this isn't a race. Ride your own pace.

    * No need to ride directly behind the bike in front of you if you're close behind. See the tip above.

    * Single file through the curves please. You'll thank me later.

    * Learn the hand signals if you don't know them. It may save you some pain and $$.

    I know these are common sense things for most people...but everyone has a first time on a group ride like this..and not everyone knows what to expect.Above all...and it bears repeating...


    quoted so it could be read twice

    I hate it when newbs try to stay staggered and right on ya thru the twisties I think theyre trying to watch the other guy's line but thats askin for trouble

  3. ohnoes!!

    i dont has gear!!!

    i only has extremely loose jacket and helmets and glovesses

    no boots or pants :o

    humm I think you need to get to the pony everybody should have some sort of gear no matter where they ride but especialy in the twisties ,

    dont ride above your head to keep up with the lead guys we'll always wait at the intersections for people to catch up

  4. Whats the rain date?

    prolly another day you have some lame excuss for missing again !

    I just watched the weather channel. I fucking hate rain

    me too cause I put slicks on today for this one :D

    rain will not be good

    I'll be there!

    i've never been to coshocton i'm excited!

    Your in for a treat wear your gear not jeans and a tshirt !

    I'm a lady. I don't get monkey butt!!

    Well , what do you get then ??

    whats monkey butt?

    youll answer that for yourself sunday afternoon :eek:

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