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Everything posted by mikera67

  1. the 650's are prone to getting the carb gummed up. Even if they sit for a couple weeks. I just bought the wife a 2002 650 with only 1200 miles(less than 200 miles a year) and it idled fine but stuttered bad 1/4 throttle on. Best fix is to get some Sea Foam at like an autozone, add about 2 oz per gallon and ride it hard on and off for a tank or two. It took two tanks for the wife's and now it runs like a pro. Do a search on the 650 and you'll find its a common problem, just like the stupid clutch on it, it grabs at the extreme end, working on fixing that myself. Mike
  2. I'll have to ride over to Newark this week to try it out, thx.
  3. Mc d's sounds good. I have time for seeing the bird, then like 2wheels I have to bail out in picktown. Mike
  4. Good luck man, I have to take mine soon, legal and all. Does anyone know what the test involves? Like to set something up in a parking lot for a bit of practice. Have the video ride like a pro 5 and have been working on the drills, very helpful. If you have a diagram that would be great, I'm not a rocket scientist you know. Hijack over... Good luck, let us know how you fared
  5. I might be able to meet you guys(gals) friday noonish, then ride to see the bird, I'm a WW2 nut anyways. Can't be gone more than a few hours, but at least I get to meet and ride some, better than sittin home. Hilliard works for me, Pickerington here.
  6. Thanks, I ride past lancaster a couple times a week looking for roads with turns. I got to get some saddlebags, the bag I have is ok but the wife says it looks gay, but its better than a fanny pack, I draw the line on a man purse!
  7. LOL I can take it. married for 15 years and 3 kids, go away is one of the niciest things I hear when I get home...
  8. On last nights ride I had 4, no kidding 4 deer in the road or trying to die in front of the bike out near Baltimore OH, counted over 15 in 30 minutes, and no I don't have pics....
  9. my other pics got deleted, my 3 year old had the camera for god knows how long, this is all I had left.
  10. I saw a bunch of different groups, it was nice the roads were not busy, didn't have to follow many cages around, once I was stuck behind a loaded gravel truck for 4 miles before I could get by, not many good passing spots, I'm sure the bike could do it, but the rider wasn't feeling "lucky". Mike
  11. Hello all, just got my first ever bike, a 2009 vstar 950 in candy red, not the tourer. Added the quick release windscreen and plan on many more upgrades when $$$ allows. I have 1750 miles on her in 3 weeks, I can't get enough!!! Every wed. from 10am to 4pm I have my niece watch my 3 kids so I can ride, god I love my wife for this!!! If anyone wants to hook up and hit southern OH or really anywhere let me know, I love to cruise, I don't fly thru corners, getting above 40(42) and just like riding. Hope to see some of you, the wife also got a bike, a 2002 vstar 650 with 1200 miles on it, loaded with extras for $2200, we have been going to bike nights at BW3's in canal and plan on going to polaris maybe next week. Mike
  12. Every wed. my wife gets my niece to watch the 3 kids from 10 am to 4 pm so I can get away for awhile. Just got my first every bike 3 weeks ago, a 2009 vstar 950, and I have 1750 miles on her so far, I just can't stop riding!!! Anyways, leaving from Pickerington, I went out 256 to 664, a great road once you hit breman to logan. From there I took 33 to Nelsonville, and took a right on some HWY that had old furances on it, rode to lake hope, then ended up on rt 50 west until I saw a sign for I believe tar hollow, went to that state park, pretty cool, meandered around until I ended back on 664, stopped at old mans cave, rested at the dam at lake logan, went north on 33 to lancaster and took 37 north to 204. Rode about 140 miles, my shield was loaded with bug juice, met some other bikers at several stops, a great time. Will post some pics later tonight. If anyone wants to join me next wed. 10 to 4, I'm on a cruiser and like to get off the bike about every 90 minutes or so(getting old sucks), the more the merrier. Mike
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