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Everything posted by blue03636

  1. Don't lie, we all know you gay.
  2. I will be there and so will pheonix14. Jinu probably will not show, something about his vagina hurting when it rains.
  3. I will be there Friday through sunday. Sunday running the mini heavy. I have been there 4-5 times, its bumpy but not that bad if you find the right line.
  4. yea, you really are not going to find too many that are worse
  5. Yea, I wouldn't assume they set the pressure. I have had them 10lbs over the factory spec just do to they let the tire pop onto the rim and toss it on the bike.
  6. Just do like Jen and flash your boobs. lol
  7. Yea, I would put your feet back further on the pegs.
  8. not as hurtful as passing a 1000 on a straight. doh
  9. Looks like your sorry ass needs to get off the bike. Just trying to help
  10. the left kink on the front straight has some bumps. I hit them a few times to where the front whould wheelie 2-3 times and start to head shake.
  11. http://www.mylaps.com/results/showevent.jsp?id=586820
  12. Ok peeps. I'm parked on the left as you come in just past the maintenance tent and across from the timing and scoring building
  13. I get 14 but my truck only gets about 16-17 by itself.
  14. I drilled mine on the bike. Just go right down the middle of the head perpenducular to the threads. lol
  15. I'm sure it is better than my walmarts sepcial for $150. Are you sure your can can take the added weight of the bike.
  16. Dumb ass. Are you bringing this POS to beaverun this weekend?
  17. I use my trailer and cots. It has saved me a ton over the last few years. Granted the trailer was 3K but with doing over 30 days the last 2 years that would be 60 nights in a hotel.
  18. I know of a few people that went the van route. I seams to work really well.
  19. around 200, not really sure the exact temp.
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