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Everything posted by blue03636

  1. Chuck is slower than I am lol, Kevin is the only one that has issues passing him.
  2. I have no clue what I can do at Putnam. The one time I was there my laptimer wasn't working. I should be at all of them this year so we will see.
  3. According to Todd's post he may add an October round if there is interest. Grattan is probably out as they only offer him the end of October and it's way too damn cold.
  4. Looks like motoseries has most of their schedule up. Said there will be some monday events added. May 2-4 (Friday Evening, Saturday, Sunday) Nelson Ledges Rd1 May 17-18 (Saturday, Sunday) Putnam Park Rd2 June 6-8 (Friday Evening, Saturday, Sunday) Nelson Ledges Rd3 June 28-29 (Saturday, Sunday) PittRace Rd4 August 1-3 (Friday Evening, Saturday, Sunday) Nelson Ledges Rd5 August 29-31 (Friday Evening, Saturday, Sunday) Nelson Ledges Rd6 September 13-14 (Saturday, Sunday) PittRace Rd7
  5. I love vir. Just did the north (ama) course this year and south is a blast.
  6. It's also a good way to get one on one coaching.
  7. No, they will sometimes sell out but not usually until a few weeks before.
  8. They are posting them Christmas day.
  9. So we are basing the dislike for homosexuality on an old book that has been translated through languages to English, losing meaning as translations are not always accurate and they have been altered from the original to suit the church at that time. Even the writing that is in there for homosexuality as with everything in the bible, it's up for interpretation. This btw is coming from a believer but I choose to come to my own conclusions about the stories rather than having someone tell me what they think they mean.
  10. I don't see the issue. He voiced his opinion and was free to do so, A&E is free to cut him loose for anything they choose. I just can't see how this make us tolerant of anything just because A&E ditched him. Personally if you want to ram a dude in the brown eye have at it.
  11. She had all of that. It can be done, you just aren't going to get the max cable package, $100 cell phone bill, 60" tv. You have to live within what you make abd it's doable.
  12. I'll agree with this, but there are a bunch of lazy ass people out there that really don't deserve what they are paid now.
  13. The majority of it comes down to the fact that people need to live within their means. My wife lived on her own making $6.00 an hour and did just fine. It comes down to the fact that not everyone needs half the shit they think they do.
  14. The problem I see is when they keep raising it. At what point is college even worth it (not saying it is now but that's another discussion). I mean if minimum wage goes to $20 and that's all I'm going to get with college, why go?
  15. Sorry, I meant $11.50. I disagree, they are worth more than minimum wage. Why bust my ass doing a job when I can go make minimum wage at mcdonalds for the same pay.
  16. I think I used purple power stuff from Advance Auto last time.
  17. True but what about the people that are making $11 now, do they get a raise? They should, they are worth more than minimum wage.
  18. Paint stripper. Ok, really, just get some heavy duty grease cutting stuff to spray on it.
  19. I'm guessing you don't get on here much, that's how this place works. It appeared to me that Dub was trying to inform people on things, if people don't like that then I wouldn't post on a public forum. Also, everyone seams to jump peoples shit for trying to sell stuff on here without being a sponsor but I guess it's ok for some to do it?
  20. I would agree with Dub that the majority of mods done are because people have money burning in their pockets. I mean Dub went the same speed on a ninja 250 as he did on the last few 600s with all the crap on it.
  21. http://www.tos.ohio.gov/Transparency_Teacher.aspx
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