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Everything posted by blue03636

  1. My 360 battlefield has been good, it froze twice in the massive ammount of rounds I have played. I will be holding off until at least next christmas to buy a new consol. I'm up in the air on which one.
  2. This is good for hollowoodie as I don't want to hear him bitch about this for another season.
  3. Psychology can't make shit without a masters degree which I think is just stupid. My wife makes more at her job now vs her psychology job she had a few years ago.
  4. My boss was pissed when he saw me looking at these with my pants off.
  5. I'm writing you in on the ballot.
  6. If I'm free, I'm down for the gang bang.
  7. blue03636

    Meth Lab

    Yea I'm about to bitch again, I will be glad when my contract is up. Every other carrier works at my house.
  8. blue03636

    Meth Lab

    Wow he got 6-8 months.
  9. blue03636

    Meth Lab

    2 miles hell, I could shoot it with my AR from my house.
  10. blue03636

    Meth Lab

    No, it's not. It's in Uhrichsville same as my location under my pic says
  11. blue03636

    Meth Lab

    I live right behind the high school just down the street from Crow Canyon.
  12. I used tire irons from motion pro and a wheel balancer from harborfreight. I quit doing them myself though, too much work for what they do trackside free.
  13. blue03636

    Meth Lab

    He was call to the hotel on a domestic so who knows what all he's being charged for.
  14. blue03636

    Meth Lab

    I will have to see how this all works as I live in town but he lives out (he opted to not be placed in the city limits when the water line was ran out to the high school).
  15. blue03636

    Meth Lab

    May not be a bad idea, there is some shady shit going on there all the time so who knows.
  16. blue03636

    Meth Lab

    Nothing like having your neighbor being busted for making meth. He was caught at a hotel but I really hope they search his house as I really don't want that shit right next door. He has been a pain in the ass since he moved in, the neighborhood was really nice and his shit has pissed off a ton of people. Hell I almost had to shoot his dog last year when it came running into my driveway at night growling and showing it's teeth to myself and my daughter. I really hope the house goes up for sale.
  17. The class is pointless as is, less time sitting in there is not going to change anything. Most people will go out and practice on their own and put more bullets down range than most cop do. My CHL instructor (a cop) told us that they are only required to do 50 rounds a year and that's all most do, hell I do more than that going out once. I would love to see this pass as we may now get PA and a few other states that we can carry in.
  18. Looks like the same lever I have too. I know some of the kawi stuff fits on the 675 so it may be the same master.
  19. I have done this a few times. Some will pay you back and some won't. Once I know they won't, never again and it just got to the point where I just tell everyone no. I have my own shit to pay for.
  20. Looks like a kawi one. I have a few levers if you want to try and see if they fit as 05-06 are one style and 08 up are another.
  21. blue03636

    xbox one

    This isn't true, they both have the same amount of ram.
  22. blue03636

    xbox one

    I will probably be switching to ps4 this time around.
  23. Yes, his team is suppose to be buying some yamahas for next year.
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