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Everything posted by Rod38um

  1. Beck is over the top...... But I like him..... I think some people just cant tell when he's being sarcastic. He brings up some interesting points! I guess the ratings do speak for themselves!
  2. Rod38um

    Dedicated kid

  3. As I left work today, I counted 16 deer next to the road.... they were feeding peacefully though......... I guess trying to get big and fat before slamming themselves into a car.....
  4. Nice pics..... thats just messed up what went on in your rental..... Hope the hotel is better!
  5. It depends where I go..... if its at wal mart or someplace like that, I lock it up. If I go to the bank, I dont lock it, I park in front of the ATM so at least they have video of it if someone steals it.... lol I dont lock it at a gas station either..... Its a chance...... I do have my own system when I lock it, makes it real convenient...
  6. Rod38um

    Health Care

    Aerik, you misunderstood what I was saying there. I didnt mean those werent tied to the economy somehow or useful to it. they definitely are! Roads themselves are not a business, they are a conduit by which business operates and by which the public gets around. This conduit is vital Military..... you cant have anything of value if you have no way of protecting it from those who would take it. The point being, niether one is a business in and of itself and the government is not competing with private interprise in those areas..... those 2 things allow business to flourish. We need infrastructer,protection, laws...... basically limited government........ We do not need a government that is all things to all people........or even one that wants to be.
  7. Rod38um

    Health Care

    Dont get me wrong, I hate the way things are billed right now and I may want some kind of change to slow things down a bit but I in no way want Obama care. I dont believe in the socialization of our country..... at all......... and before somebody starts saying what about roads, what about military......... thats not our economy..... if it falls under public infrastructure or protection, that does not make it exclusive to socialist countries. Capitalism is what made this country great. Everywhere socialism has been tried it has led to social, economic and moral decay. Not to mention a 2 tiered class.... the "haves" and the "have nots" I in no way want socialised medicine as a matter of fact, I would like to see the non_profit status removed from many hospitals. Not for profits are constantly building on, adding stuff paying huge bonuses....wasting money just so they dont show a profit. The unwarranted expansion consumes even more money so more money is charged...... If they all have to earn a profit for a stock holder. they dont expand without need........ Just my .02
  8. Rod38um

    Health Care

    I've always had a problem with how they accept a lower amount from an insurance company for the same service they charge an uninsured person full rate for. I see it all the time with my insurance, I see what they accept and then when the insurance stops paying..... the rate goes thru the roof for me.....
  9. I have to wonder just how seriously you take riding twisties...... the reason is.... I was thinking if yo dont mind messing up the handling just a bit you could lower a bike just a bit. If your toes are touching, it wouldnt take much. and most people rarely put both feet down at the same time anyway. I agree with alab32 (On this anyway) about the CBR 600, Its an awesome bike.... its thin and light, handles great and could absorb being lowered a touch without totally killing it for street use.....
  10. :lol::lol:LMAO...... I bet if he was out on patrol right now and 10 bikes went by at 150 mph......... I bet he sits in the car and pretends like he didnt see a thing...... lol
  11. Yep, apparently you're right. I'm done banging my head on this wall. I still cant help but think if the tables were turned and it were one of their relatives and citizen Joe slammed their momma to the ground and busted her head open trying to take a knife out of her frail lil hand..... Citizen Joe would would be getting slammed, tazed, kicked, beat, sprayed and stuffed in the back of a cop car for doing exactly what the female cop did..... Guaranteed!!! They can yell all they want that she was justified and by law she may have been........ you can apply that same stupid a$$ logic to a toddler walking thru the parking lot with a knife..... any jack ass knows not to slam a baby and likewise an old lady falls into the same category. You hit it right with an inability to see past the training. I'm almost 44 years old. Just once in my life I would like to know a cop and be able to say: "Thats a good man, a reasonable man, I respect that man"....... 44 years and counting. I know there has to be one out there..... Oh well like I said, I'm done on this one...... Hope you dont take my words personally, I do hope you think about them.....
  12. That is your right and by all means, always voice your opinion.... I do..... lol And strictly by the facts, being blind to age, frailty and such, I would agree with you. But at the same time I would hope that you as a cop, if you run into a situation like this, I would hope that you would treat the old woman with the same respect and care you would your own mother or grandmother. I would hope that sometimes looking at a "human" situation you may see that something more may be going on and that some things are worth a slight risk to your self in order to convey compassion to someone else.
  13. Oh come on..... that lady wasnt threatening... she even turned away from the female cop. And to the other part. I've called the cops twice in my life and after both experiences.... I never will again. 1st experience my inlaws were being harassed by a crazy ex-viet-nam vet who was peeping in windows, we all set up one night trying to catch him, he killed all their dogs that night and my brother in law grabbed a gun and would have shot him had he caught him. The wife called to try and diffuse the situation. they didnt show, she called back 2 more times and they told her to call back if someone got killed....... other than dogs..... 2nd time was during my divorce.... inlaws refused to give me MY kids as I picked them up for school one morning. I called my attorney she said call the cops. I did, they show, refuse to even talk to the inlaws but tell me if I wanted to pursue it further, their only option was to take me to jail. So my belief in how Brave and upstanding most cops are may be a bit skewed. The way I see it. most times they wait just long enough to show in hopes the violence is done by the time they get there..... they just want to take a report... not help anyone. and if they are there, they sure arent going to confront anyone unless they have an obvious advantage or they are just forced to by the situation. Add to that the many cops I have known personally over the years. which isnt many... about 5..... they all thought they were hot shots, loved to brag on themselves, had huge ego's and at least 2 of them I know committed major felonies by their own admission and laughed about it cause they did illegally what they werent allowed to do as cops..... took the law into their own hands. But If i run into one I can respect, (which I would love to) I'll let you know. Maybe you are one, IDK, I hope you are! I'm sure they exist. I try very hard to be understanding of people and I wont let my past experience with someone else affect the way I think of you. Only getting to know you and listening to you will shape that. I would just hope that if that were your grandmother out there wondering around confused and feeling threatened, carrying a knife that you wouldnt walk up and slam your own grandmother to the ground. And before you ask. No, I'm not a criminal, never been arrested. and that was not me that gave you negative rep...
  14. I had to watch it twice. the cop may have had cause with the first kid, its unknown because it happened before the film started. The kid he chased was bullshit, he was pissed cause the kid took a picture of him choking the boy and he wanted it back to protect himself. ( he knew it was abuse) His fat a$$ couldnt catch the kid now he's really pissed when he comes back. he had no reason to even speak to the little girl or the 2 other boys, they were just standing there worried about their friend. He was so abusive when he called the little girl out, he scared her to death..... trying to headlock them both.... more abuse. the boy with the camera.... again, no reason to touch him. Had the cop been a real man and not an insecure egomaniac on a power trip, I'm sure he could have talked to the kids, explained why they should or shouldnt do things like skateboarding on sidewalks in a manor that would have had the kids leaving with respect for the reasonable encounter they just had..... instead those kids will never respect any officer..... never!!! Another example of cops on a power trip..... and over kids no less..... its like their mental developement stopped in the 6th grade...... all I can think is WTH........ why would you hire someone like that.....lol
  15. Ooh, ooh, oooh..... get one of these!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v33Svi_AyP4 retail is actually less! $13,800!! For 193hp!! 450lbs wet ... four engine maps, variable intakes, optional ABS and DTC ... the list goes on.
  16. Actually someone did... I bought my 07 1K rr with 1,700 miles on it. The original owner bought the extended warranty and it transfers with the bike so I'm covered thru 2012. Dont know the guy but I thank him for it!
  17. Rod38um

    Health Care

    I'm not sure I believe this story. I've been watching the news this morning and all morning has been a discussion why the insurance companies have not only been quiet on the matter but have sent representatives to help sculpt the legislation in question. and since this has come out, CIGNA stock has gone up 17%...... So the question is what part they will play?........ Wall street wont run the stock up if they dont see them profiting from it. The gues is the tax payer would pay for basic care and if you have insurance, it would pay for limited choice.... creating a dual class system.... one for the little worthless people and one for the important upper class. http://finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=CI#chart1:symbol=ci;range=3m;indicator=volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefined So in effect we'd be taxed for health care and then if you want any choice you would still need insurance which probably would still be expensive even tho the tax payer would bare the most cost.... making profits go thru the roof for companies like CIGNA
  18. Ah, People are tired of beating their head against the wall trying argue what should be common sense. It has become abundantly clear after reading all this that before you can become a cop you must take a phsyc test...... apparently they use that test to screen out people with compassion for their fellow man or any ability empathize. While I'm sure this makes great robotic like officers from a command point of view, it pretty much f*cks the public servant aspect. I hear cops complaining about how people dont respect them...... well duh...... The female cop or anyone in that parking lot could have had leg irons on and still stayed 10 steps ahead of the old woman and out of harms way. If given a bit of time, a calm voice and some reason, I'm sure it could have been handled differently. Anyone thinking otherwise is just defending a blanket policy that lets them as officers act and feel superior to the public instead of serving the public. That policy and people defending it "is the problem" not a confused frightened old lady.
  19. I dont doubt your words in most situations. But when you see someone so old and so frail, using a cane, looking confused and doing the feet shuffle thing like such old people do. One would think a little discretion could have been used. I just watched it again on Fox news this morning and apparently I'm not alone on this as my thoughts were the same general concensus of all those in discussion on the news show. I dont doubt that cops have a job that can pose immediate danger and often have to act first in such situations. It seems though that the modern mentality of law enforcment is to OVER react as evidenced by the many videos of cops tasing people for no apparent reason other than its just fun to yell taser, taser, taser as your squeezing the trigger on the thing. Listen, I dont have a problem with force when its warranted but you still have to be human, you still have to look at each situation as it comes at you. If you have to cover every situation and every person with a blanket policy of 100% immediate compliance or you start slamming them to the ground or tasing them. Then you are no longer a public servant, you are a public abuser. Blanket policies dont work! They may protect you but they make you inhuman and you would not tolerate the same treatment if it was applied to you! http://regretfulmorning.com/2009/07/smell-like-alcohol-you-get-tazed-bro/
  20. I should hope so after that video has been out!
  21. True...... very hard to watch... and I'm a hunter. Dont want to do it with a spear though unless I'm hungry....
  22. That could have definately been handled better. The old woman wasn't poking the knife in the cops face or anything. They could have given an 87 year old woman the benefit of the doubt. Who knows if she could hear that well or even comprehend what was being shouted at her. If a couple cops cant disarm a non threatening, frail, 87 year old woman with a cane, without slamming her to the ground!!! they dont need to be on the force!!! Just my opinion!
  23. Well hey thats pretty cheap for going off roading at speed!
  24. Oh crap! you had a nice run going too! At least you kept it up.... didnt hit too hard. How much damage did it do?
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