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Everything posted by Rod38um

  1. Nice write up..... Looks like some good roads. Love that R1 that didnt make the turn...... great color scheme.....
  2. Also check the air box for stored food..... exhaust system too..... mice will pack both places full of dog food or anything else they can find.....
  3. 11.23 volts tell me you have a fully charged battery with a dead or problem cell..... it should be reading about 12.3 or so.......
  4. Instant sanity salvation, I need no preparation, I dont need to haul it anywhere, I dont need to ask permission from anyone. If I've had a bad day or a good day, its waiting there for me. It only takes a turn of the key and I come alive with it. My own little world where all that matters is the here and now....
  5. Make that 9 years..... Obama just realized that violence is the answer also and extended our troops stay in afganastan..... now wanting more..... Also extending Blackwater involvement.......
  6. Oh well gee whiz........ I was gonna start a thread and ask about what I should buy for concealed carry till I read this thread..... Everyone has a different preference!!!! Oh well..... I should get to try out a few different things so hopefully that will tell me more..... lol
  7. Rod38um

    easyrider rodeo

    Not for me either........
  8. Nice road........ someday I'll get down there.....
  9. Gas company down here doesnt care if they have your business or not...... I argued with them over a rental house, They suggested I convert my house to electric if I didnt like their policies........ So I did!!! F*ck em........... I'd suggest that they wait at your door between the hours 5 till 9pm and you should be there at some point during those hours to let them in........
  10. Welcome aboard..........
  11. It happens.......Us guys are suckers if you ladies are acting flirty....... Its hard to resist doing just about any stupid thing you can think of........ Thank God I'm getting a bit older and think for a couple seconds b4 I do most things..... lol
  12. I've felt the pressure before.... Been out somewhere and meet up with some chick who begs for a ride and I didnt have any extra gear and when you offer her yours she says something like: "That defeats the whole purpose of going for a ride" It leaves a guy with the option of doing whats right and looking like an ass for not taking some cute lil thing for a ride.... or..... taking a risk, and maybe getting something started with her.... It sucks to be in that situation and in all honesty, I've played it both ways. The more I see though...... the more I'm convinced to just be the ass........ if she cant see the point.... oh well.......
  13. This video shows a bunch of riders in Mexico riding like they are immortal or something. This video is from when they found out they were NOT immortal. (Pretty graphic.... high body count) And another video from mexico, I believe its unrelated.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-qyB2D1xDY&feature=related And no, I'm not feeling morbid today..... just happen to have found this stuff today.......
  14. Saw this link on another forum, I thought the message deserved some play.... http://www.ex-500.com/index.php/topic,19460.0.html
  15. Sorry to hear about your run of bad luck..... I never thought Ohio was very bad..... I never lived in the city though, nor do I ever want to.... You may want to just hold on till your lease is up and then move to the burbs.... or farther....
  16. I see a guys name on a lot of procedures at work, he uses his first 2 initials and his last name. I laugh every time I read it. Its: C.R. Cox
  17. +1 on the pics....... would love to see some!
  18. Glad to hear the bikes is good. Hope the other stuff is as well!
  19. Rod38um


    I love my powers........ I live in twisty heaven down here in southern ohio and I drive a bit aggressively..... But the highway ride to work and some town driving, they have developed a bit of a flat spot. I'm convinced that if you dont get a flat spot with these tires on the street, you are one fine hair from death on every ride! That being said, I have never had a tire that I had more confidence in. I love them and I will buy another set........ They are worth the price for the security I feel while riding.......
  20. As a landlord, I agree that your landlord should ensure the plumbing is in proper working order at the time you rent it. If however it becomes clogged after you rent it, its actually your responsibility. And the sump pump is just like your stove, its the renters job to ensure he operates it properly. On the flip side of the coin, its the landlords property, a long term investment. It should be in his best interest to make sure you are informed of the proper operation of the pump and also make you aware of any past clogging issues due to leaves and such so you know what to look out for. That being said, I usually take care of plumbing issues on my dime, simply because I dont want an un-qualified person messing with my plumbing. You may find your landlord isnt as worried about his place and hasn't told you these things or he didnt know himself. But anyway, I hope your stuff isnt damaged badly and I hope your landlord feels some responsibility if he realizes he didnt inform you properly. I know I would and I would do my best to help you out, had I not properly informed you..... Good luck though, either way!
  21. Check the oil level, make sure its not higher than usual. If its good, start it for a minute, let it warm up, shut it off and look at the oil. If it has a milky look at all, (oil + water looks milky)change it immediately. But in all likelyhood, no water got in, its fine. Oh and Uh..... clean out the drain and make sure the sump pump is operational...... I mean, you rented it and you live there. You didnt expect your landlord to come over everyday and check on stuff like that did you?
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