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Posts posted by Xyloft

  1. I've always assumed drivers dont see me and i think that's kept me out of trouble. I've had some o shit moments on a bike before, but nothing like yesterday:

    While riding at 40 (speedo read) in a 35 this car decides to turn left in front of me from the oncoming lane. I was in the left most MC line. I grabbed a handful of front brake (way to much), which locked the front tire causing the rear tire to come up what felt like 2-3 ft. ~~~~

    at this point i had one of those slow motion things. I conciously let go of the brake so i could regain control and not flip over the bike. my rear tire slammed onto the ground behind the car (i'm pretty sure was oblivious to me) - whose rear bumper ended up about 3 ft driectly to my right. if i had been in the center line or the right line i would have t-boned her. ~~~~

    after a little wiggle I regained full ballance, and I realised I was still riding, and drove about 20mph for a few seconds trying to determine if i should pull over to collect myself.

    I'm really glad that 3 years ago when i took the MSF we practiced emergency stops. yesterday was an eye opener that I deffinately need to practice a bit more on this bike as these brakes are a LOT more powerful.

    Please watch out for cagers, as they're not going to watch out for you.

    on the bright side, I just did my first and hopefully my last stunt ever: a stopy :banana: I can laugh about it today, yesterday not so much.

  2. have you thought about any matte colors? triumph has a sick orange that is flat on their street triple R.

    a matte gray or white would be interesting... although I have not seen a matte white yet, only gray, black and orange.

  3. http://www.motorcyclecloseouts.com/sport/motorcycle+boots/alpinestars_ridge+wp+boots+-+waterproof

    size 9.

    I picked them up last november, rode them once in the fall and a few times this spring (probably a total of 75 miles). I didnt realize this in the store, but it turns out they are probably .5 to a full size to big for me. I have the box, tags, and care instructions still.

    boots still smell new, pics below are of my boots:

    Looking to get $90 for them. Lowered to $80 as of 9/6/2010

    I'm in the Dayton area, but will meet up a reasonable distance away so we dont have to mess with shipping.







  4. I really don't like when they are wrong. I picked up some OT today thinking the weather was going to be crappy and wasn't going to be able to ride...... WRONG.:(:mad:

    at least this mistake was a lot better than the "it'll be sunny all day" which turned into "pop up thunderstorms and wind" that i had to drive home in last year.

  5. I have an XD9 and love it:evil:

    I've fired my friends XD9 a few times and liked it as well. i've also fired the XD45 and the XD45 compact and liked both of them a lot.

    Never really been a fan of the way glocks felt in my hand.

    personally though, i would never buy a guy i hadnt shot before. there is a range near me that rents out almost the entire springfield arms line of XD's, They have quite a few glocks and the M&P too.

  6. Well, not really. I did take the bike out of the garage, but it was to get the grill out of the garage and onto the patio. So, technically, I did take the bike out, but did not ride.

    I have some work stuff to do for next week, so I wont have a chance to ride today. Kinda a bummer, since my friend Perry and another OR member, Midlifeventure have already stopped over on their bikes.

    I will probably ride starting in April.

    Bummer. first nice day we had this year i had a similar experiance. i took the bike out, but the battery was dead. threw it on the charger, but by the time it was ready i had other obligations.

    lots of nice days coming up though. you'll find some time

  7. Bad ass. This is the kinda thinking we need. Who cares about global warming, I want to be able to ride for a penny a mile. To and from work... stop paying to get there and back and actually make all the money I work for.

    I know.

    I dont think a silent bike for commutting would be too bad, i mean alot of people are riding pedal bikes on main roads and are fine. obviously highways are a completely different thing though.

  8. haha Of course! Ya when i drove there for my interview and was so excited. I heard its beautiful in that area during summer and I cant wait to ride out there.

    Thanks everyone for all the welcome-ness..(??? lol)....


    i havnt had a chance to get the bike out that way, but i can tell you that some of the roads between dayton and athens are not only beautiful but have (at least last year) great asphalt and awesome turns/hills. it'll be a fun ride for sure.

  9. about a year after i got my first bike, my manager asked me if i had ever seen the triumph sport bike because he saw one at lunch. i looked it up...

    I kind of like having a unique bike, but when i found the Daytona 675 and rode it during a demo day, i was sold - the sound, handling, power, weight, everything....

    a year later i was able to pick up a 2008 (in 2009) for a really good deal.


  10. my guess this is a bike they use for DARE and fair's and such. Kind of like what they do with re-po'ed Camaro's and H2's and such.

    I doubt they are actually sitting on 75, with a radar gun waiting to clock someone.

    I may be wrong though, I don't even know where these places are.

  11. A+ certification won't hurt, but i'm not really sure how much it helps, although i know some companies do require it. we do not where i work, and the people who have had A+ certs that have worked for me have almost always been worthless, so i guess i'm biased.

    Cisco cert (CCNA) on the other hand is way better. Microsoft certified systems engineer MCSE is also a bit better than A+.

    If you really want an edge though, VMware certs are the way to go. Unfortunately you need a $4,000 weeklong class, and experiance on the job before you take the test for like $300. So unless your company's going to pay for it, kind of steep.

    When I talk to people at career fairs or interview people, I look for the degree, then ask experience questions based around troubleshooting and problem solving. have good examples of this for your interview and it will help you land your job.

    when you get asked "what do you do when you have a problem with your coputer" the answer "i usually call the sudent help desk" is not the right answer :) yeah, i got that from a comp sci student at Bowling Greene.

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