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Posts posted by Xyloft

  1. wow for being socially akward you guys sure do post alot! man i'm going to have to catch up on this after work.

    Army engineers are members of the army core of engineers so it is an official title. they do things like build bridges, clear minefields, set up battlefield obsticals, etc


    in peacetime they design and build things like dams and stuff.

    Some compsci guys are engineers, and some are not. I consider myself more of an engineering type. I've always taken things apart, I figure out how stuff works, I like to tinker and modify stuff, and most importantly, I love math jokes. I like to design, map and build things.

    Nerdfight! go! LOL.

  2. I had to go look it up to see when/where but I dont think i'll be making this one.

    Although I'll keep an eye out for the next one. by then my bike should be fully broken in and I'll feel a bit more confident on it.

  3. It is more like a who has the most polished chrome aftermarket accessorys on the bike competition. Pulling into the lot, cracking the throttle like a mating call, pulling off the fingerless gloves, official OCC sunglasses, signed Jesse James Bandana, skull T-Shirt, bitch beater wallet chain, Live to Ride Ride to Live belt buckle and tat, open pipe, I am sure I missed something feel free to add....Russ

    isnt that most of dayton? you could go to the BMV and pickup the motorcycle handbook. the one that details how to get your license and all that. but yeah, I'm pretty sure the cop was in the wrong.

  4. you are correct :popcorn:

    You don't work up in Troy do you? i used to see another red Daytona up here occasionally.

    there is a gray 675 where I work too, but I think they work 2nd shift and i have no idea who it is.

  5. I've been riding for a little over two years and finally after shopping for 18 months brought my new baby home about a week ago. I've clocked about 330+ miles on it so far, so i'm still pretty early in the break in. (yeah, i'm following the book)






    old bike


    I'll see you guys out there!:)

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