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Everything posted by |SnOmAn|

  1. Where is the speedway at, North or South of 22?
  2. Life is precious... I pray for great healing and a fast recovery. I know sometimes words are just words and not meaning, but a lot of people here do care and are praying for you man. Let us know if there is anything we can do. Much love from a fellow rider...
  3. I might meet yall on 33 and 22. I might have to break off a little after lunch too. I have a crap load of homework still to do and I'm behind, business law sucks!!! What time will the group be around that way?
  4. Don't film me on an S turn unless you want to film someone flip over their bike...LOL! That might be good filming though...
  5. Yeah I know it's not, I'm just presuring the lead... LOL!
  6. I should be there... It's early and the wife is workin, I think.
  7. If I know the route I could check it out and see... Just wonderin'
  8. We can hang in the back bud... I think I'm in for the scenary... Not sure yet. My last spill is runnin threw my head when I ride so I need to get some good ridin in.
  9. I want to know the route. I'm in Circleville and can meet you guys somewhere on the way depending on how you get there. I've never been to the Hocking area, and I don't want to ride up to Columbus and back down. Hit me up...
  10. Shhh... it's not really him, but don't tell him...
  11. I might be down... Never been to that area. I've been around it but not through it, I think. Let me know what the route is and I can possibly meet up with yall somewhere.
  12. Yeah, I had a cloud follow me once before. Man did that bad boy smell.... People behind me weren't too happy. Lol!! Hey, welcome back man. That trip looks awesome but not sure I could ever make it.
  13. Maybe I'll plan a trip to the gap in a few years when I can get through the shoc with no biffs...
  14. So, can I post about The U on here without gettin' bad rep...LOL! Great game last night fo sho!!!!
  15. This guy is good. I have a few of his CD's, and he help me understand debt a little better. I also was a rep for Primerica which helped people with debt issues. When I moved here to go to school, our income dropped about $20,000 and we cut back on a lot of non-sense spending and actually paid off some credit cards and didn't have to use them at any point. We make a little more now, but it's about smart choices. Just bought a house that was a fixer-upper to live in for a while but more for the investment in a few years. Never thought we would ever own a house for a long time.
  16. Sorry to hear the bad news bud, but I'm sure if you make a budget and stick to it you should ok. The best thing to do is cut the spending where it needs it. I use to live at home, I had a great job at my age, had only car and insurance and I was always broke. Ate out way too much and it adds up. Goin out once a month is not bad, but for me it was every night. Try not to make your budget unattainable either. If you make it too extreme you will go crazy, but if it needs to be then so be it. I pray things work out for you.
  17. Welcome!! Don't have a cruiser, but that doesn't mean I don't want one.
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