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Everything posted by |SnOmAn|

  1. I bought this gun at Vances around Christmas time for $349.... Not a bad gun, a little hard on the hands when shooting but I think it's a nice carry. I can't complain... EDIT: Plus the guy that sold it to me rides... Told him about the site here
  2. The fireball shooter was sweet!
  3. Steeler fans obnoxious?! You should take a step back and look at OSU fans! One main reason why I don't like OSU! I give them their respect but wow, their fans are crazy, than again, so are any fans of teams you don't like. It will always be this way. Since moving to Ohio, I have learned to cheer against Ohio teams for this reason. Even in Florida it is not this bad. Heck, Foridians hate teams in Florida!
  4. Has anyone received this thing yet?
  5. I love bowling, but I don't like showing off...
  6. I have looked but don't think they do. I even looked at the bike to see if it would be possible to put one on because I actually like the undertail better, but it seems like more work than I wanted to do.
  7. I had to go back and look... good one
  8. ...you have the newborn do photoshoot with your helmet, jacket and gloves. Yes, I have proof! So true!!! The wife hates it...
  9. Had to go back and check it out and that is right. Good catch...
  10. Yeah, mine has a Scorpion slip-on on it... I was planning on putting a Power Commander on it, but the battery does not like a lot of extras on it. Would make a great track bike if anyone wanted to convert it.
  11. Yeah, I love this thing but probably need to get rid of it for now. If the right price comes along I will. Thanks for the input. I was just throwing it out there to see what it would probably sell for. I know right now I will not get what I want so might hold on till riding season. I am still interested in selling it, but not 100% sure. I will send you a pm here in a few.
  12. Weird, as I read along I slowly transformed into this Russian as well....
  13. You sure it would fit? That's a long word for you man....
  14. I figured I did the literal vision videos yesterday, so here is the start of the parody ones. Feel free to post some if you have any. http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshh5xDpJnj329nODLv5
  15. Yeah, I can get a pack of 45 and they can last me about a year since I don't wear them very often. I would like to wear them more though but the two week ones kill my eyes. At least they did in Virginia but the pollen there in nuts! Never use to bother me when I wore them in Florida.
  16. you're killin' dude! I about woke my wife up cause I started laughing....
  17. Might have to... I would love to just get out of bed and know what I'm stepping on and where I'm going instead of fumbling for my glasses.
  18. This is hilarious! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj-x9ygQEGA
  19. What kind are they? Sounds like something I need.
  20. Not true... I don't wear contacts all the time, too pricey, but I only put them in if I go on longer rides. I hate wasting them and putting them in on a short, town ride. I do the dailies due to allergies. I do love riding with contacts, and I have never had the drying issue. Like everyone said, just have a bottle of drops just in case of drying, dirt, etc....
  21. A buddy of mine was going to get his done, and I think the week he was suppose to go, or something, they found out the wife was pregnant.... Don't think I could go through it after that video. My stomach is killin me!! Jags, not right my friend...
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