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Everything posted by |SnOmAn|

  1. I have a laser on my bodyguard .380 and I found it dancing around a lot too. I ended up turning it off and just sight lining it.
  2. Definitely failed... Even with football on in the background.
  3. Take it to Walmart. They take anything back...
  4. "My Danny Woodhead? That's no joke, I think he's a great player, just liked naming my penis after him" :lol: Great find!
  5. It's Miami, they aren't extremely smart down there... Hey, I'm from down there, I can say it but I don't live it.
  6. |SnOmAn|

    Range Visit

    I have put Blazers and Winchesters through my Hi-Point and only had one jam, but that was my fault on loading the mag. The bullet was not in properly, so I do not blame that on the gun. One thing with them is the mag. You have to make sure it is clean and not bent. I have read that this is usually the case for the jams, but not 100% sure. As far as the recoil, I don't think it is bad at all, but that is my opinion. Keep shooting man...
  7. Yeah, I picked mine up at Vances when I bought my gun. I think it ran around $34... Can't remember, but mine had the flat panel.
  8. Yeah, I have the Bodyguard .380... I have a DeSantis Nemesis pocket holster for it. It's a little tight at first because of the sites but it fits pretty good. It also comes with a removable flat panel so you can stick it in the pocket without it looking like a gun in the pocket and more like a wallet.
  9. Hey, I was once a Sagittarious...
  10. I don't think it would solve the world's problems, but I think it would avoid some issues with guns, instead of just banning them. Like Tyler said, criminals will do whatever they need to get a gun and I understand that fully. I would hate for people like us, who enjoy firearms for the right reasons, get screwed because of mentally ill people who can just go and buy a firearm from any private seller without having a background check.
  11. Yeah, I kinda figured that after I posted. Criminals will get guns anyway they can, but like I said, just a thought/suggestion...
  12. I would say change the law on selling/purchasing on a personal level. I know it would suck, and it would be hard if family has guns in a house with a crazy in it, but it would stop people from selling to anyone. You have to go out of your way to sell a vehicle by getting it notarized, why not make people go out of the way for a quick background check on a personal sale? Don't hate me, just a suggestion.
  13. Yeah, I would never let someone do that, but what about domestic violence? You see this more in public than child abuse. I was at a gas station when a guy grabbed his chick by the throat, picked her up and slammed her to the floor. What do you do? I was outnumbered 6:1 but I still yelled at the guy and told him I was calling the cops. Of course he told me to mind my own business but the prego wife (at the time) was yelling at him as well. So I left and called the cops. (I have a thread about it somewhere on here with more detail) My mom is a dispatcher in South Florida and she hears of people who get involved in domestic violence that aren't a part of it and they usually get the worst of it.
  14. Maybe that is the problem in the first place, don't Leos and Virgos not get along? I really have no idea but I changed too. Went from Sagittarius to Scorpio... I guess this is gonna suck for people who have tattoos of this crap...
  15. |SnOmAn|


    So I just started back this week... I lost site during the Christmas season, but have been eating a lot better the last two weeks. I am hurting from working out, but I am very motivated right now. Just ordered a book call "Body By Design". It is from the guy who started bodybuilding.com and it is all about motivation and eating better which is what is the hardest when losing weight. STAY MOTIVATED!
  16. |SnOmAn|

    "the Cape"

    Bad! Your avatar just made me get Entourage again! I am on season 6.... I freakin' love this show!! Dudes are hilarious
  17. Sweet, but WAY too much time on their hands...
  18. Did you see the comments? Someone mentioned that iPhone is leaving AT&T and not using them as a provider... I'm not opposed to this, but wonder how true it is. I hate AT&T service. Never had any issues with Verizon the 4 years I had them.
  19. |SnOmAn|

    "the Cape"

    Very nice! Loved that show like crazy!
  20. |SnOmAn|

    "the Cape"

    If it's not on the Disney Channel or ESPN, I'm probably not going to see it. Looks kinda silly anyways, like a Robin trying to fill the shoes of a Batman....
  21. Yeah, everything is in my name and the BMV sucks around my birthday. HAPPY FREAKIN' BIRTHDAY from the gubment.
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