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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. Where do they expect you to park? Grass?
  2. Alignment plates are perfect circles. They are symmetrical also - the distance between the edge of the circle and the edge of the plate is 14mm on both sides of the hole on the left (chain) side. On the right (brake) side it's 15mm on both sides of the hole. Neither plate looks worn. The axle was solid when I took it out. The adjuster screw on both sides was a little loose, but the tension of the axle kept it in place. The adjusters on this bike use the same screw to pull the chain tight AND to hold the cosmetic cover on the back of the swingarm the adjusters were both loose so the plates could rattle. I reinstalled the wheel so that there's 3/4" slack in the chain (spec is .8"), the swingarm alignment marks are even, the chain tool is happy and my coathanger alignment gauge is happy too. Is there a way to confirm that the alignment is good before tearing this tire up? Cost me $212 to replace.
  3. Let me guess... "Up to 60% off" means the merchandise is 5% off and the shop fixtures (shelves) are 60% off their original commercial price. That's what Sun TV did on sawmill 15 years ago "up to 60% off" but the salesman was unable to show me anything *new* that was more than 5% off.
  4. The tire is being replaced now at IP and I got an alignment tool for when I put it back together.
  5. Alignment marks are spot on but my homemade alignment tool seems to show it's 1/4" too closer on the "driver side" "Driver side" "Passenger Side"
  6. Very strange. I went out and found the alignment marks. Dead on. EDIT: Home-made gauge is not giving consistent results. Will just see if I can buy a gauge from IP when I get the new tire.
  7. The axle bolt on the chain side is 1/4" closer to the swingarm pivot bolt than the other side.
  8. My balls hang over the left side of the seat. Could that be it?
  9. I'm assuming the tire is toast, right?
  10. Will measure when I get home. Thanks!
  11. I tried measuring the leading edge of the wheel itself against both sides of the swingarm and the "passenger" side is much closer, but I can't tell if that's because the swingarm is not symmetrical, or the wheel is twisted. There's no side/side play in the wheel at all.
  12. 2011 Wee, 11k miles, this is the second set of tires on the bike. I think about 2 or 3 k miles on this tire.
  13. ...and when hunters shoot a deer and drop it in it's tracks that's called "cruel"? No, not when compared to the death most animals face... Being bitten to death (if you are lucky) , and then eaten by something. Let's just say if I had a choice between a bullet to the heart and getting my face eaten off alive by something... Well, lock and load, buddy.
  14. A short clip of this was on Senor Gif yesterday, so I found the full thing. Damn nature, you scary!
  15. Scruit

    God and Doctors

    Well, this isn't about whether you should believe or not - that's an entirely personal thing. I'm trying to understand *how* prayer works. If you pray for an unconscious person to get better, what is the mechanism by which change is effected? Does god actively use his powers in response to prayer? Or does your prayer impact the person directly? How?
  16. They are welding their hearts together...
  17. Scruit

    Mango allergy

  18. I don't believe in ghosts, but I am fascinated by the ways our brains sort random stimulus into something so meaningful yet so irrational. Just like astrology, applied kinesiology, God, guardian angels. Once that belief is in there, rationality is lost to the warm and fuzzy feeling of being cradled in the mistaken belief that it all suddenly makes sense. Some people feel the presence of God. Some people feel the presence of a ghost. Some people feel that the evangelical preacher just healed them. Some people feel that science is infallible. Same physiological/ psychological stimulus & interpretation, just a different story that is applied to help the brain cope with an incomplete understanding of what is happening. If you think you know it all you are wrong, regardless of what you think. We have so much left to learn.
  19. When my maternal grandfather died when I was a baby my mother had a dream that he fulfilled his promise to phone her from heaven. She thought it was a dream until her mother asked he who she was talking to on the phone at 3am. She claims that he made a promise to always look after her children. 20 years later a new friend visited us and as she was given a tour of the house she stopped in one of the rooms and asked who the old man in the corner of the room was. Then she said "He says he is the boys' grandfather and he is watching over them." Now the first part happened before I was old enough to be aware, and my rational mind tell me it was most likely her sleepwalking and picking up the phone. The second part, though, confuses me, as we had only known the lady a few days 20 years later and I had not shared the story with her. Ghost? Most likely not - strange coincidence, maybe she heard the story from another family member. Maybe over time we has mis-remembered and/or embellished the story to a much more succinct and poignant event than actually happened. I *do* believe that it's possible that energy can be stored in ways we cannot envisage right now (much like electricity in the middle ages) and that some of the events attributed to ghosts are examples of energy changing forms. Maybe light or sound becomes stored in some kind of quantum bollocks and can be spontaneously converted back to light or sound. Not saying this is absolutely true - but I am saying that humans don't know it all, and we have much to learn about this universe.
  20. Scruit

    God and Doctors

    Well the latest update on this guy is that he is suffering multiple organ failure in the ICU. His wife blogged: "Your prayers are working, keep praying!" Seems to me that the prayers are not working at all if he is getting worse and worse. I wish I could ask her for her criteria for determining the success or failure of prayers so far. But I'm not going to ask.
  21. Scruit

    God and Doctors

    Sure. I should've differentiated between praying for yourself, people praying for you (and you know it) and people praying for you (and you don't know it)
  22. Scruit

    God and Doctors

    Todd: If god is really the one responsible for the healing that you "do" then I guess you'd better forward all of your paychecks to your nearest church.
  23. Scruit

    God and Doctors

    On the thought processes of people who pray for healing... So is the "god is healing him" thought based upon the belief that god puts everyone on this earth therefore he put the the doctors on this earth and gave them the ability to learn how to heal people therefore he is responsible for healing? Or is the "god is healing" a request "for the Lord to guide the hands of the doctors" (taken verbatim from a prayer). Therefore the doctors are necessary to provide the direct physical manipulation, but it's really god controlling them in the moment? Or is god healing him through a form of direct intervention that we simply can't hope to understand (much like in the middle ages we could not conceive of electricity), and the doctors are irrelevant to the healing process?
  24. Scruit

    God and Doctors

    Steve - I am not expecting answers to my questions - I am hoping for opinions. I'm trying to understand the though processes behind asking for prayers as if prayers will actually heal - I'm trying to understand why she thinks praying will help. I am not an athiest.
  25. Scruit

    God and Doctors

    Well, let's replace "problem" with "confusion". If a mechanic fixes your car, it's the work on the mechanic. If a plumber fixes your toilet, it's the work of a plumber. If a doctor heals your child, then it's the work of god. Why is the fixed car not the work of god?
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