Here's my list: 1) Several oncoming cars turning into outside lane - but I din't expect anyone here to pick that out becuase you can't tell how many turn lanes there are. Nice catch. 2) The SUV in front of the camera car ran the stop sign. *Even though they stopped*. You can tell by the shadow of the red car in front of him that the red car was stopped straddling the stop bar. The SUV then set off, rolled right past the stop bar and stopped well past the bar. This is a stop sign violation. Won't get you a ticket, but *is* a vioation. 3) The Buick (me) did *not* run the stop sign, even though I set off at the same time as the SUV. As I was stopped waiting behind the SUV I was stopped *at* the line. My duty to stop having been thusly discharged I was free to enter the intersection as soon as it was clear and safe to do so. 4) The SUV (again) then commited one of two violations... Either they turned into the outside lane, or they turned into the insde lane then changed lanes without signalling. It could go either way. The main thing is *my* stop though. I know people have been cited for running a stop sign for doing this, even though they stopped at the stop bar. One case went to the supreme court. I just can't find the cite right now. The officer in that case admitted that the car had been stopped at the stop bar, however she felt this was not a valid stop because there was a car in front of him (that was stopped pas the stop bar) and that she felt the second driver should have made a second stop. The supreme court found in favor of the driver.