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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. Scruit

    Old dog

    Reviving this old thread... This morning my wife found Bean unconscious and apparently not breathing. She picked the dog up and said she was completely limp. After 10 seconds of trying to shake her awake she finally came to and is now acting normally. Very strange. Since I started this thread we have been monitoring Bean's health and at this point she is not declining any more. She's completely deaf, her pupils are permanently fixed and dilated and some days she struggles to get up the stairs, but she's not getting any worse. Has anyone seen this unconsciousness thing before? My wife said she thought Bean was dead.
  2. Can they ID the driver? or would it require the driver admit to it?
  3. Spectacular save by the biker. Truck driver needs a 1 year suspension for intentionally driving in the oncoming lane around a blind corner on a fast road.
  4. No word on the amount of snow for here (tues night into weds morn) but it is listed as "Heavy Snow"... I want to ride my bike, but I have a strong preference for staying vertical.
  5. I think part of her problem was a combination of 1) using rented rollerskates that have little ankle support and allowed her to put her foot in a position where she could sprain it, and 2) her weight which exacerbated the injury. I wish she'd left the rollerskate on - she must have been in agony taking it off. I would certainly advised letting EMS remove it. Also, some people recommend RICE (Rest, Ice Compression, Elevation) which is what I did (except compression, as the pressure would have been too painful for her. Plus EMS was en route). other people recommend MICE (replacing Rest with Motion,specifically dorsiflexion) but ad the misalignment of her ankle suggested a break rather than a simple sprain, I opted to avoid any movement of the foot.
  6. I've done the red cross first aid course a few times over my life, as well as first aid training in the UK Scouts, US Boy Scouts, UK Army Cadets etc, and I have a current red cross card. I acted entirely within the scope of my training, and have no fear of anyone suing me. Fingers crossed.
  7. Sorry this is so epically long. Gotta get it off my chest. This morning I was rollerblading with my son at the local skating rink when I saw a lady who had fallen. Considering how often people fall I always give someone one full lap to get back up before I check on them. That's about 20-30 seconds. Next lap I saw she had someone with her and was just talking but still on the ground. By the third lap I decided to check in and make sure she was ok. She wasn't. She said she had broken her ankle, and I told her I was a first aider (Thanks Todd!) and asked if she wanted my help, which she accepted. I took my blades off and started to examine her ankles. She had already removed her rollerskates and was in her stocking feet. She was in an extreme amount of pain and struggled to move at all. I found her right ankle to be heavily swollen already, obviously at least a grade 2 or 3 sprain. She had a girl with her who said she was "studying medical at OSU" and another guy who was wearing a fire department t-shirt for a nearby department. I offered a couple of suggestions for getting her off the rollerskating floor (bringing over a chair, having her sit in the chair and FD guy and myself carry her in the chair. Or we could just carry her from either side in a side lift. She declined both) I told her I was going to get a cold pack. Ran out to my car and got my first aid kit, where I have an emergency cold pack. FD-shirt guy offered to call 911 when it became clear it would be too painful for her to make it outside and into a car. The lady agreed and he disappeared to make the call. As I got back with my first aid kit I found she had crawled across the floor and was sitting on a bench. I had her lie down and put her leg up on the backrest, the asked her which way she twisted her ankle. She said inwards (suggesting an inversion injury) but that didn't seem right to me because all the heat from the swelling was on the inside of her ankle (suggesting an eversion injury). My coldpack wasn't big enough to cover both sides so I opted to place it on the inside where the swelling was, leaving her thin sock on. Any contact here was very painful for her, as was any movement, so I got myself into a position where I could hold her lower leg and ankle dead still without fatigue on myself or her and still be able to apply the cold pack with light enough pressure to not cause pain. After 15 minutes I moved the cold pack to the outside of her ankle for fear of too much cold causing more problems - any touch on her outside ankle was agony to her - another suggested of an eversion injury in my mind. During the time she kept asking me; "Is it bad?" and "It's really bad, isn't it?" to which I replied that an ankle sprain is the most painful thing I have gone through myself, and I've done it a couple times and both times I have recovered fully, so I told her she was going to be fine. Of course, I was being slightly economical with the truth in that I was talking in the long-term - I could tell from my angle that he ankle had definitely been broken badly (her ankle was clearly misaligned outwards, further suggesting an eversion injury, and when she moved her ankle ever-so slightly it clicked/cracked in my hand like a bag of rocks). My non-medical opinion was that I heavily suspected a trimalleolar fracture that would require surgery to screws/plates to repair and up to 12 weeks recovery time. But after all that she'd be fine, so I stuck with "We'll get you up to the hospital so you can be treated and you'll be fine." When the squad arrived I gave them the download of her injury, her assement of the injury, my observations of the misalignment and where the pain seemed to be including my suspicion it was an eversion not inversion injury, and I kept the cold pack on as long as I could until they got her lower leg into an air splint and we all helped her into the chair. All this time I was reassuring her, and her two daughters. Someone else had called her husband to pick up her daughters, both 10-11yo, very upset at what was going on. They whisked her away into the ambulance and within seconds it seemed like, it was all over and done with and I was left sitting there holding a half-used coldpack, her sock that EMS cut off her (I left it on so I'd have something between the cold pack and her skin, it was very thin) And then that was it. Every went back to skating (TBH only 3 or 4 stopped). It's a pretty empty feeling once it's all over because you get the adrenaline rush of trying to help someone who is clearly in a great deal of pain so you're trying help as best you can without making things worse, so you're second-guessing yourself, struggling even with simple tasks like breaking the inner bag on the coldpack - am I doing this right, why won't it break? Read the instructions, figure out that although I just READ the instructions my brain didn't get them so have to read them again. I actively chose not wrap the ankle in ace bandage for compression because she was in a great deal of pain with anything touching her ankle - we couldn't even take her thin sock off because of the pain, so wrapping would have been too painful. So now she's off to the hospital and she'll recover in time (will be a long road). I'll never hear back again, so I'll never know if what I did helped or not. I'd like to think that focusing so much on helping her ankle also helped her deal with it emotionally. Another strange thing was a member of staff approached me while I was holding the coldpack on the lady's ankle and asked ME for the lady's name - I said I haven't the slightest clue what her name is! (note to self, introduce first names next time) The staff member struggled with this concept and asked; "Aren't you with her?" "No, I'm just helping because I have a first aid card and medical supplied with me". So, for you medical / FF / EMS types - did I do everything right? Did I mess anything up? Anything I missed? - I did introduce myself and tell her I was trained in first aid and asked her permission to help her. - Every time I did anything I told her first / asked her permission (things like moving the coldpack, pulling up her sock to provide a little insulation on the coldpack. She was in a lot of pain but was a great patient. - The EMS team offered to replace the supplies I used from my kit which was nice. - I asked the guy in the FD shirt if he was a firefighter (the best trained person should be in charge of the medical aid, so I figure if he was a FF he would be the guy to do it) but I thought his response was weird, words to the effect of "I used to be, sort of" and then he kind of milled around proving non-medical assistance.
  8. This will destroy you: They move on tracks of never-ending light
  9. It's a "Traumatic Gun" Like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osa_%28handgun%29 Or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pistol_HORHE
  10. Not me, but an interesting concept. I've seen his videos in the past, didn't know he was doing it on purpose. His last video will be of him getting shot, though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1ufHQCmAHo
  11. Just replace "High" with "low", as in about 6 feet below ground level...
  12. It's a difficult situation. Home invaders have been known to shout "police" as they enter a home to make people passive. Just like people will use ex-police cars to pull their victims over and rob/rape them. Yes, if you shoot a cop who is entering your home for a raid then you will most likely be shot in response, as will anyone else in your home (assuming it's a stick-built house, not brick). If you don't get killed you'll be in jail awaiting trial for murder, and very likely convicted. Unless you have CCTV with audio to disprove it, they will all claim they shouted POLICE over and over clearly and audibly. Even if they DID, how do you know you're not a victim of a home invasion and these people are just yelling police? I guess it comes down to the question of "Are you doing anything that would make the police raid your house?" If you are cultivating marijuana, dealing drugs or running a fencing operation then there's it's probably safe to assume that the folks barging in through your door ARE the police, and any armed resistance using the "I thought they were home invaders" defense will get you locked up for long enough that you'll be drawing a pension when they release you. If they ever do. If you are not breaking any laws and have no reason to suspect the police would ever raid your home then you MIGHT be forgiven for fighting back until it was clear they were the police, but that would be after a trial that has cost you your home and about a year in jail awaiting trial. I've seen firsthand footage of many raids in the last few days, particularly the original entry through the door, and my advise would be to have a door that is much strong and more reinforced than it looks. If there is any obvious reinforcement then the police/robbers will come prepared. If they think your door is just going to be a regular door (one hit with the ram and they're in) then they're only going to use the ram. If it turns out they need several hits with the ram then you have time to organize your response. Look outside - are there any police vehicles? Flashing lights? Are they dressed in full swat gear with shields, or just shirts? Are they in uniform? The stronger you make that door, the longer you have to think. I've seen it take 15-20 hits with a ram before giving up on a door and gaining entry through a window. Call 911 and report a home invasion - they will be able to tell you if they are the real police, and it provides you with evidence that you didn't know it was police if the dispatchers can't confirm them to be police. I have also noticed that a lot of the time the announcement of "POLICE" doesn't happen until the door is breached - all the time the door is being battered there's no indication that it is the police. I would have a hard time, on a jury, convicting someone of shooting through the door if the door was clearly being breached by a battering ram and there's no announcement of "POLICE" (but, they will all say they DID announce) There is no way to win this. Cops + Shoot = dead or jailed Cops + No shoot = they realize their mistake and you are safe (or they maybe plants drugs on you - it HAS happened) Robbers + Shoot = gunfight Robbers + No shoot = They rob / rape / kill people in the house.
  13. I know of a case where a typo on the search warrant meant that it was expired by the time they served it (The warrant was "good for one calendar month from date of issuance", but the date was accidentally written as november 25th instead of december 25th) The raid went down 5 minutes after the warrant "expired". While searching the attic one of the officers put his foot through the ceiling, causing hundreds of dollars in damage. After turning over the entire house they left empty-handed. The raid was triggered by a burglar (who had robbed the same house earlier in the day) telling the police that he had found guns in the home while burglarizing it. That was not true. Burglar faced no charges related in to claim of guns. The police faced no action relating to the expired warrant, the damage to the house or the raid of an innocent burglary victim. The burglary/raid victim was unable to find a single lawyer who would take on the case, every one advised they drop it or face police retaliation. Innocent family, burgled on christmas day, raided by the police the same afternoon, left with a damaged house, a distrust of the police and no ability to do anything about it.
  14. Can we see those counters from our side? I'm pretty sure you don't want give me access to your database. I won't break it, honest.
  15. This is already thread 102330 http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=102330
  16. Did you show up without a "permission slip"? The Canadian border FAQ says if you don't have that proof then you'll be detained until they can verify you have permission.
  17. Definitely got something worthwhile. It was nice to see how much commonality there was between the Krav techniques and Shorin Ryu. The choke escape, for example. I was talking with Marcus about using a shorin ryu hand-feeding-hand move with tai sabaki to gain control of the shotgun muzzle, and also stealing his center of balance. He asked me to talk to him more about it after class because he had more precise feedback for me, but I couldn't find him at kicking out time. Did you see the drill where I was the gunman? I had to pretend to be an irate car buyer confronting a salesman at an auto dealer. When I marched in and started yelling NOBODY did anything until I had marched clear across the mat and got in my victim's face. Was that because of the yelling? Everyone seemed to freeze, especially my 'victim'.
  18. Who else was there? I was "the guy with the accent". Coyote - were you there?
  19. Yeah, I'm ready for that. I have to get some paperwork squared away so they know I'm not abducting my own away from his mother.
  20. This summer I'm taking a week off work to go on a father/son bike road trip with my 9yo. His longest ride so far was an hour and he didn't mind that. We have an intercom for chatting so I'm sure he'll be ok for longer trips. I'll take him on a couple of longer rides before then, to be sure he tolerate the long ride. What I'd like to do is very loosely plan a circuit up toward Niagara Falls, into Canada, then eventually back home after a week. Looking for suggestions on what would be worth visiting on a bike. Really, we could go anywhere we want in that time. New York City, Washington DC would be nice. We'll be doing hotel/motel overnights as we won't have space on the bike for a week's work of clothes AND camping gear. I'd like to limit the riding to no more than 5 hours a day, and that should be broken up. No night riding, don't want to risk him falling asleep! Where else, within a few days ride of central Ohio, is worth visiting in mid-August with a 9yo? Once I pick the landmarks we can put together a loose route and just head with no real fixed schedule.
  21. Someone can introduce a bill that requires all Ohio Homecoming Queens statewide to fellate all the bill's co-sponsors one by one. Doesn't mean it will pass, or get signed, or even be constitutional. All you can be sure of is that bill will have a shit-ton of co-sponsors.
  22. http://www.snopes.com/politics/guns/subway.asp
  23. I ordered 10 from intensetactical at ~$15 each and they backordered me. 30 days later they billed my card and said 2 weeks. That was a month ago. No response to 3 queries over the last 2 weeks. They have 30 days to ship or I will return the charge. Now that prices are dropping and the mag/aw bans are looking less and less likely I'm not all that bothered about needing a ton of them. I have a bunch already.
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