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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. In a follow up interview the kid said the gun fired as the guy racked it.
  2. She had every right to come in and try to break it up - but not to bring the gun and point it at them. He, of course, never had any right to approach/strike them in the first place, and pointing/shooting the gun was just the cherry on top of his prison pie. I sympathize with her position seeing two young men clearly winning the fight with her husband, and she has both an instinct and an interest in protecting her husband - but she has to understand that because HE started the fight HE cannot use deadly force, and by extension, she cannot use deadly force either. Question: What if the kids responded to his punch with deadly force - must the husband/wife simply allow him to be killed? Or would that represent such a disparity of force that he would be allowed to use a gun to defend against that excessive response?
  3. The kids too - they both wound up with broken hands.
  4. Looks like the cop was trying to knock them off the bike. At that speed the motorbike was going being knocked off should have been relatively harmless - but at the speed the cruiser was going the risk of them going under the wheels was extremely high. I would argue the officer needed something more than riding without plates (or running because they were riding without plates) to justify that collision if it was intentional. I don't know what information the officer had so I can't comment on that. It's difficult to say if the collision was accidental or intentional - it could go either way. We would expect the officer to approach quickly and get close, and the bike had slowed down just seconds before - but the cruiser was going at a speed and on a trajectory that would have allowed him to easily brake or steer right to avoid the collision at the last second. My guess is that the officer was hoping to knock them off the bike and misjudged it. Don't think that it rises to a criminal level, but I'd be taking a close look at if he should remain a police officer. And let's not forget that the cops don't chase innocent people like that - we give cops a badge, a gun and a cruiser, demand they make split-second decisions in life and death situations, then site back for weeks and research & debate every single individual action. I give cops a lot of leeway in these situations, recognizing the dynamic nature of the circumstances, adrenaline, fear, responsibility and the fact it's happening in real time for them - I am quick to forgive honest mistakes. What I don't think we should tolerate is behavior that is in bad faith, before or after the event. If we believe the cop was only trying to end the pursuit and not trying to kill the guy then he should be forgiven for the bad judgement call under condition that the department all learn form that and adapt their policies to be better suited to the needs of that individual pursuits in the future. People make mistakes at work - it happens, always will. We all expect to be forgiven our mistakes at work while scream out for the cop to be fired when they make a mistake. If we fired every cop who made a mistake we'd have no cops left.
  5. Autocorect? Divider = Barrier between two carriageways Dividends = Earnings paid to shareholders
  6. Yes. and because HE started it SHE cannot defend him with a gun unless they threaten his life. She is in trouble too but to a lesser extent.
  7. Dude with the gun needs to have that permit pulled, and he needs to go to jail for a long time. Those kids were clearly the victim in the physical altercation and defended themselves effectively (no idea what happened to cause them to pull over)
  8. The shooter's mother and aunt have been arrested for giving false and misleading statements to police. Fake alibi?
  9. Hopefully not another Cold Fusion debacle. (Emphasis in red is mine)
  10. If not used for a qualifying expense then tax would be owed on the interest only. Contributions are after-tax and the only tax deductions are with the state, so I'm sure I'd have to settle up with them. Our deal is if he goes to college this fund pays for it, and he keeps the remaining balance as a graduation gift. If he changes majors and runs out of money he's on his own. If he does not graduate I take the balance back. If he does not go to college then I take it back and buy myself a corvette. If he gets a job or full ride scholarship and graduates then he still gets to keep the remaining balance. Job + scholarship + graduates = he gets every penny as a gift, over $80k. That's his incentive to work hard in school and earn a scholarship. I have already written the money off and given him the incentive to study hard and preserve the money as much as possible. He's on the right path already - getting good grades, identified gifted and recently scored 91st percentile in math for 5 graders. And he's in 3rd grade.
  11. You can invest your 529 money in the same way as a ira or 401k - picking your own fund allocations from a list of about 30 based upon results etc. The fund I'm using saw 9% returns each of the last 3 years.
  12. I spent the first years of my son's life changing his diaper and wiping his ass and I fully expect him to return the favor in the last few years of mine.
  13. I didn't know there was a limitation on annual contributions to a 529... 401k or 403b, yeah, but not a 529. Ok, 26k max per year due to gift tax (married). no big.
  14. Did you convince the cop it was a hoax - can they take any action against the caller? I didn't think the police could pull over a car based upon an anonymous report of bad driving.
  15. This is how I see it. Clean Title = Title is not branded for odometer discrepancy, odometer exceeded mechanical limits, lemon buyback, salvage, theft recovery or any other thing that would reduce the value of the vehicle itself. Clear Title = The title is in the seller's name, has no liens, and does not have to jump through any hoops to assign the title (such as getting an additional owner/divorce judge/bankruptcy judge to sign off on the sale, etc) that would delay or complicate the assignment of the title. In Hand = The title is in the seller's possession, not being held by the bank or locked away in a safe deposit box at his ex-wife's bank or missing, and is ready to be handed over once notarized. When I sell a vehicle I have the buyer inspect the title then watch me write their details in the title assignment section, then I keep the title to be notarized next business day before mailing it on. Never had any problem with this approach.
  16. They still have to weigh up the risk. Felony theft is a property crime and not worth seriously injuring someone over. Having said that, it's all situational... Knocking a fully geared-up dirt rider into grass at jogging pace is a different league than taking down and un-geared rider on the street at road speed. There's also questions about how the contact was made - did the cruiser try to block the bike in and the bike crashed trying to escape? Or did the cruiser come flying up behind and drive right over him with no warning? Was is a impact, or a brush? Head-on, t-bone or PIT? Using a football analogy, did the push him out of bounds, or sack him like a quarterback? TBH, I give the police a LOT of leeway when stopping a fleeing felon. More than a court would in some cases. You can't send the message out that fleeing on a bike is a get-out-of-jail card. The officer has to be careful, though - "Officer fatally runs over child for riding a stolen bike" is an ugly headline to read in the paper.
  17. Tiesto: Destiny Sunrise by Catcher http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgmRcbKWyhE
  18. A car ramming a bike at road speeds is deadly force. If the cop can justify shooting you, he can justify ramming you.
  19. Any action by the police must be justified as being for the greater good. If you pass a copy doing 10 over the limit he's not going to ram you. If you are running from the police still carrying the loaded machine-gun that you used to shoot up a mall then they will probably have to pry your tattered remains from the undercarriage of a cruiser.
  20. I can understand that concern, but hiding his college fund in another type of account in order to get financial aid is not my style. My income is too high for financial aid anyway.
  21. My son is 9 and I want to make sure we can afford to send him to college in 10 years. We've been saving for about 5 years and had 20k saved for him but up to now that's been in a regular bank account as a rain day fund in case of job loss - we didn't want to tie it up. Well, we've reached a point where we can afford to lock it into a college savings account. Anyone else have a 529? Any experiences, good or bad? We've gone through the calculators and figured out we're gonna need nearly $90k to send him to college for 4 years in 2023. With the money was have now and a moderate risk investment choice we're on target at just $300/mo contributions for 10 years. The contributions are after-tax but there's no tax on the interest, which compounds. If he doesn't got to college we still get the money back but have to pay back the taxes we skipped.
  22. There was something almost serene about the way the bike just floated away - like it was saying "I must go now, my planet needs me..."
  23. Quoting the bill of particulars filed a little over a week ago - more info on why there are 4 counts: Count 1: Multiple gunshot shots on the off ramp from Route 23 N, vehicle to vehicle (Attempted physical harm) Count 2: Multiple gunshots in the parking lot of 137 East William Street, vehicle to vehicle (Attempted physical harm) Count 3: Single gunshot in the parking lot of 137 East William Street, both outside of vehicles (Attempted physical harm) Count 4: Single gunshot in the parking lot of 137 East William Street, both outside of vehicles (Actual physical harm - the bullet that grazed the victim's head) Back to what I keep saying about the difference between a single event and multiple events is a separation of time and/or distance... Apparently the prosecutor thinks there is enough of a time/distance separation between the off ramp shooting and the parking lot shooting to call them two different events. Also, by taking the time to get off the bike and approach the victim created a 3rd event where a gunshot was fired in an attempt to harm the victim. It is unclear whether the bullet in 4th charge is the same bullet for the 3rd charge, as the only difference is that the bullet struck the victim in the 4th charge. He may have been charged separately with "attempting to cause harm", and "succeeding in causing harm" for a single gunshot (in case the actual physical harm count fails and the attempt may still be punished) - or there may have been two gunshots. Next event is a status conference on April 8th.
  24. Some guy in a huge pickup towing a 5th wheel tried to tailgate me on the freeway last week. Got within 5 feet despite the fact I was already doing over 80 in a 65, was following another car at the same speed for miles and constantly passing people in the next lane right. Unfortunately for him I had to slow down to make the lane change out if his way and he wasn't expecting that. He ended up rubbing the side of his trailer against the median wall as I slowed and he had to escape into the left shoulder. Not sure what else he wanted me to do, because tailgating usually means get into the next lane, but the next lane was doing 65 so I had to slow to 65 to slot into an available space. He flipped me off and kept driving. No contact was made with my car, just him into the concrete barrier so I figure he doesn't care.
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