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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. I was arguing with myself. And losing.
  2. I misread your post and thought you were saying the law criminalizes groups of people exercising their constitutional rights. Early Alzheimers.
  3. I'm waiting for Apache-mounted 20mm bubble cannons.
  4. That is not the vase. This is the vase: Have any other weapons industry folks reported the same thing? I'm really wondering if he didn't have the vehicle insured for personal use and they dropped him because someone narked on him for using it to transport business goods, or that there are stated underwriting rules for different industries and they found out he was not compliant with those rules.
  5. Unless she was talking about acid bubbles full of napalm, every single administrator who voted to punish the girl needs to be fired.
  6. I wonder if Geico has defined standards for vehicles used in the weapons industry, such as must have a given type of safe or must have some kind of locking trunk. If they're transporting weapons in a minivan with clear windows and no safe then that's a different level of insurance risk than if they are transporting in a plain van with no rear windows and a safe. Just wondering.
  7. touche an expression borrowed from French used 1)to admit that an opponent in an argument has made a good point 2)when someone has said a good comeback line 3)to concede a point to an opponent when fencing
  8. Well, it was a shooting at a college on campus in a corridor between two buildings in a pedestrianized area. Current reporting is that one person had the gun, Carlton Berry, 20. Berry and another man argued, and Berry started shooting. he has been charged with Aggravated Asshattery. I mean, Aggravated Assault. It's it not clear how Berry himself was shot. The person Berry shot was detained at the hospital (probabyl because initial reports from the police indicated an "exchange of gunfire"), but no charge at this time. If Berry and the person he was shooting at are both students then I'd say it's fair to call it a "College shooting". Fingers crossed Berry isn't a CCW holder.
  9. So what position are you arguing? I thought you were suggesting that s241 made it illegal to your constitutional rights in a group, like am open carry walk or pro-2a rally or something. If that's not what you're saying then I must have gotten the wrong end of the stick. EDIT: You said: "This is a civil rights law against groups targeting people trying to exercise legal and constitutional rights." I'm saying that s241 prohibits people from conspiring to deprive someone of their constitutional rights. It does not prohibit people from conspiring to exercise their constitutional rights.
  10. That law has been in force since June 25, 1948.
  11. Looks like he was the only person with a flag that big sat all, any direction. I'd be pissed if I went there and all I could see was the back of someone's flag. Scratch that - looks like a red/blue flag at the 5 o'clock position to the protest flag in the first pic. Hope they were consistent in marging everyone with a flag away, not picking on someone for the content of their message.
  12. I paid 230 shipped for 1k of 9mm luger about 3 weeks ago from surplusammo. Got it last week. Just got an email from IntenseTactical - I have had a backorder for 10 PMags for just under a month now at $16.95 each (!) and they just billed my CC today saying they will ship two weeks from now. That price is a steal compared to what's out there now. Got 500 .223 bullet in the mail today. Power and primers are on backorder, and I have about 500 brass (always kept my rifle brass in case I ever got into reloading!) Actually gonna go downstairs and set up my reloading workstation now.
  13. Never knew my AR had a bayonet and grenade launcher mount. Like a doofus I've been attaching my sling to it.
  14. The news is NOW reporting only one gun was used. Sheesh! Get your act together, media.
  15. The face looks like "Angry Kid" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x01WeAUkfm8
  16. "A high ranking police official told us that everyone involved in the incident has been rounded up." "The second man involved in the argument presented at Northwest Medical Center with a gunshot wound." "Only one bystander was hit by gunfire (shot in leg 3x). The second bystander injury was a heart attack." "This was an exchange of gunfire."
  17. "This was an argument between two individuals. Two people got into an altercation that escalated to gunfire. One of the men in the altercation was shot and two bystanders (white male, black female) were also shot. The uninjured man from the altercation fled north from the campus, black male aged 18-20." 18-20? Not a CCW holder therefore illegally carrying the gun. Another law that didn't stop a shooting. A witness that was 10' from the shooting said only one person had a gun.
  18. Now they are saying there were two people shooting at each other, one shot, one at large, two unintended victims.
  19. Current witness statement: Argument between two men, one of them pulled out a gun and fired, hitting the man he was arguing with and hitting another man unintentionally. The shooter was also shot, so it's not clear if he shot himself or another man shot the shooter. (Earlier report said the first shooter was shot by another man, but the second shooter is not accounted for..?)
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