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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. Lone Star College in Houston on lockdown after reports of gunman on campus. Local TV shows people on stretchers. Gunman captured, second gunman suspected, police are searching local woods.
  2. Take that sentence out and all it to flow onto the next one. How does it read now? What about the next section: Your reading of the first sentence (criminalizing the exercise of constitutional rights by two or more people at a time) doesn't make sense in the context of the rest of the text.
  3. They tried a "No Mental-Midget" policy but everyone got banned.
  4. I think you're reading it wrong. I think it's supposed to stop people from interfering with other people's constitutional rights, and it's worded ambiguously. Better wording would be: If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in order to to prevent the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same;
  5. Lots of problems with the 5 mins of the breakdown I read. The investigators said he was wearing earplugs, so the whole section about it being too loud is irrelevant. My son has no public paper trail, nor does the 20-yr-old kid of a friend of mine. Nothing comes up on google. He points to how Brazil shows gruesome footage of their school shootings, but the US doesn't, as if it it evidence that the shootings are not happening in the US? Not, we just have different standards of broadcast decency. Some countries showed the Daniel Pearl execution video on the news - the US did not. Does that mean it didn't happen? You even seen a penis on the news? Does that mean penises don't really exist? They mention that the police "just happened to have their military weapons ready to go at the time of the shooting". Seriously? They don't bury them in the ground between calls! They are stored where they are easy to get at quickly, otherwise what's the point? I hope he's not putting himself forward as any kind of gun expert if he calls it a "Muffle Break, not a "Muzzle Brake". One interesting thing I need to clarify: The Canadian teacher's car was shot? I didn't know there was gunfire outside the school.
  6. I got a "thanks for joining the mailing list" email but nothing else. Down at the very bottom in the fine print there is a Preferences link, which takes me to a page that where can click on a link to get a "Profile Update" email sent to me. The profile update looks like the original signup page of mailing lists, except that Active Shooter is on there now - wasn't when I first entered my email. Hopefully this will help other figure it out.
  7. It had me sign up for a general mailing list. I selected special events, but didn't see where to sign up for the active shooter thing.
  8. Blows the saying, "people kill people" away. http://spot.pcc.edu/~mdembrow/wr122quoting.htm
  9. Don't video them. People will think you're crazy.
  10. Got a cite for that? http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.28 No mention of speed limits. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.21 Don't see any exception to speed limits for passing.
  11. The prosecutor filed an extension of the deadline to indict Stillwagon, and Stillwagon did not object. They have until the end of Feb to present the case to a grand jury.
  12. Yup. And he got road raged by *your* brother in Australia.
  13. Definitely interested in this - especially if the focus is on road accidents (how to assess scene safety, types of accident injuries a biker is likely to get, how to triage multiple injuries) Enjoyed the CPR course, thanks MT!
  14. I figured out who everyone was except for the the guys sitting behind me. Which one was you? I'm pretty sure the other side of my table was OsuMJ, Isaac's Papa and his +1. My side was me, my wife and my son. Back row was Ben, Carie, jst2fst and then the rest of you are just a blur... ;)

  15. I read it about six times before I figured it out.
  16. My wife was feeling sick and I had to get her home. Otherwise I'd have done the dead chicken too.
  17. You didn't figure out from the accent? ;)

  18. You should watch the film. Good stuff. This is the main character coming down off Heroin.
  19. Watch this, it should help. When I saw the baby CPR dolls I immediately thought of this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgeDh1WCyeM
  20. Scruit

    Who's going?

    http://www.10tv.com/content/sections/video/index.html?video=/videos/2013/01/19/gun-rights-rally.xml Video of it.
  21. Scruit

    Who's going?

    He jumped up on the left of the (McKinley?) monument and started spouting about how violence is in our hearts, and that security is all an illusion. The annoying thing is when he wound up with the crowd around him letting him spout off whatever his voices were telling him.
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