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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. You can't prevent the trace reaching you unless you buy from someone who does not get your details. The only difference that the person you *sell* to makes is if it is an FFL then you have proof of legal transfer and date, whereas if you sell it privately with no info then the BATFE are probably not going to be as quick to pass you by.
  2. Well, not so much "stop" as "regulate". They're gonna push for FFLs to hand every transfer, and for that transfer to be entered into their bound book. They would then, with some legwork, be able to walk through the gun's history from it's original new sale, then ask that guy which FFL handled the transfer to the next owner, examine that FFL's bound book to get the name & address of the buyer, then repeat until they reach the person who currently owns it. I've never sold a gun privately but I have bought a couple. Have done multiple copied of full name/address etc, and have done the simple exchange of cash and rifle without seeing IDs. It's all about what you're comfortable with. To enforce the "FFL must handle sale" I'd expect them to put together a package of complementary rules like: - All transfers must be through FFL, else it's a felony - Any loss/theft of the gun must be reported to the police, and you'd better be able to produce a police report number (although the police would enter that into a database that the govt could search) Failure to report a lost or stolen gun would be a felony. This stops people selling a gun without going through an FFL and then later claiming it was stolen. - If the gun becomes a non-gun (through destruction, or permanently being rendered inoperable) then that the gun must be certified by an FFL as permanently inoperable. Your and/or the FFL would keep that record and have to produce it upon request. Failure to have an inoperable gun certified as such would mean the gun still falls under the "all transfers must be through an FFL" rule, therefore transferring or disposing of the "inoperable" gun would be a felony. This stops people using the "It broke so I threw it away" or "It quit working so I sold it as a paperweight" excuses. - If you manufacture a gun at home (80% lower, or 3d printed) then you must permanently affix/engrave/stamp/mold your name and address on it, and the words "NON-TRANSFERABLE". That gun could never legally be transferred anyway, so this would combat unregistered guns being built and illegally sold. The gun wouldn't be registered, but if found at the scene of a crime then they will come back to you. If the address is out of date then that's not a problem, because they could catch up with you anyway. Possession of a homebuilt gun that is not labelled correctly would be a felony. Possession of someone else's homebuilt gun would be a felony unless they were present at the time (buddy let you shoot it at the range). This would not be grandfathered - if you have a homebuilt rifle then you'd have 60 days to get it engraved/stamped. OR Create a new class of FFL of "home manufacturer" which would require only a NICS background check but would be shall-issue. This could be done at an FFL, and would be a rubberstamp deal, over the counter, 5 minutes. The FFL would send the completed form to the BATFE and they would keep your manufacturer ID and details on file. You would get an "Manufacturer ID" that you would have to stamp on any gun you make. Possession of a gun with no manufacturer ID (or a manufacturer ID that is not your own, unless they are there with you at the time) would be a felony. Same level of control as stamping your name and address, but more anonymous among the citizenry (like the license plate on a car) I am not advocating any of this - just musing about what might be coming down the pike.
  3. The manufacturer/distributor would have a record of which FFL it went to. The FFL would have an entry in his bound book listing the transfer if the firearm to him. Did he keep paperwork for who he sold it to?
  4. He told me it was a known technique for defending fire bases in Iraq & Afghanistan. Use the dummy mortars to "range" landmarks then when something happens you know what settings to use to hit those landmarks. Then you just need to make the bad guy stand near a land mark - "Free Bird Seed" or something similar.
  5. http://www.freedomfiles.org/war/fema.htm It's all there.
  6. You wanna talk about hysteria? At my reloading class a few of the guys stayed back late and talked about "prepping". One of them talked about placing markers in his (large) property that are ranged for mortar fire so if someone attacks he can radio to a buddy on the mortar the exact location (Purple 3!) and the mortar guy will have a chart so he knows exactly how many clicks to adjust the mortar launcher to hit each target. He "ranged" it with with dummy mortars. This was part of his prep for avoiding the "FEMA Death Camps". Apparently Obama will repeal the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 22nd Amendments, and FEMA will announce it's "Safety Camps" (which are really Concentration Camps, or Death Camps, depending on if your forced labor is useful to Obama). Conservatives and Libertarians will be rounded up based upon any record of gun ownership, membership of "terrorist" groups like NRA, GOA etc. The funny thing is, they talked about this like it was true. They expect this to start in about 3 months.
  7. Biden has not been talking about an AWB. Maybe he won't recommend one - or maybe he's assuming it's a given.
  8. So I did the reloading training so I could become more self-sufficient and preserve my ability to obtain rounds throughout price fluctuations, but I cannot for the life of me fine ANY 9mm, 5.56, 7.62 or 22-250 bullets, nor primers (SP, SR or LR) or powder. So I have this nice press sitting there doing nothing for me. Once the panic buying is over I'll be able to scoop up tons of that crap and be making cartridges until I turn 90.
  9. Tennessee suspended/revoked James Yeager's CCW permit... http://www.wsmv.com/story/20559778/tn-firearms-instructor-gains-attention-from-youtube-rant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD5kuOMIVts
  10. Made my first 50 rounds of handloads. 124gr JHP, 9mm Luger, 8.4 gr AA7 powder. Should be good for about 1117 fps at the muzzle. This was the NRA "Metallic Reloading" course at centralohioccw.com
  11. This numbers are wrong. He's use an apples-to-oranges comparison because the US crime stats he uses only cover homicide, rape, robbery and aggravated assault, whereas the UK numbers he uses cover homicide and any type of assault, even just slapping someone or pushing them. Also, UK robbery and rape numbers are counted on different tables. I redid his numbers and came up with a figure of 734/100k "Violent crimes" thast fit the US classification system in the UK. Therefore the UK violent crims numbers are 2x higher, not 3.5x. The UK murder rate is 1/4 of the US.
  12. Better video? http://www.krdo.com/news/Police-Homeowner-shoots-2-suspects-during-home-invasion/-/417220/18045814/-/sog5g8z/-/index.html
  13. I *am* a real life British-flavored person, and I think Piers Morgan's debate style shows him to be an idiot.
  14. I'm touched. Wait, you did mean ME, right?
  15. If this is a peaceable assembly then I'm all for it. No pitchforks, torches etc...
  16. Morgan got his nut cuts off there. Booyah!
  17. If Eric Holder knew those guns were being trafficked then he is a criminal and should be charged. If Eric Holder did not know those guns were being trafficked then he is incompetent and should be fired.
  18. Scruit

    Smart guns?

    The software will have an override if it detects spaghetti and/or jello on the "target".
  19. Agreed. Snopes (our supreme overlord all truth) says they are purchasing, but not stockpiling: http://www.snopes.com/politics/guns/ssabullets.asp
  20. The three things I'd heard they were considering EOs for were: - Require that the crime databases that were supposed to feed NICS actually get hooked up - Require that the thousands of people who falsified 4473 forms for NICS checks actually get prosecuted - so far only a few dozen prosecutions have gone ahead. - Make illegal gun trafficking a felony I'm actually ok with these, if they come to pass.
  21. Well, every time I create a gun related thread it gets punted into here, so I figured I save the mods the hassle.
  22. Made even more sickening by handing them all the ammo they need on a velvet pillow on a silver platter with a silk bow tied around it.
  23. In our fight to preserve our gun right we need all the help we can get. Except this hothead... Look for the embedded video near the bottom on the left. The last couple of sentences are key. The original youtube video has been edited to remove this bit. Freedom of speech? Well, up to the point where he threatens to start killing people - then he's on thin ice... But... This video is gonna do the rounds on Piers Morgan and all the other gungrabber news stories as he is portrayed at the face of gun owners everywhere, ready to start killing people when we don't get our way. This is a huge disservice to our cause. http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/guns/video-tactical-response-ceo-james-yeager-threatens-start-killing-people-if-obama
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