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Everything posted by QuikAccord

  1. If you had a a friend that you associated with but yet they were more of an aquaintence than a really good friend, suddenly just drop off the face of the earth so to speak. (It turns out they committed suicide) Would you rather know they were dead or not know and just wonder why they never come around anymore?
  2. Can someone rename this thread: How to train your puppy?
  3. Rubbed it on ninjachic's nads
  4. Nope, Gen's is nicer imho..
  5. That's a very good question. Sadly I have yet to find a woman who's throat could accommodate my girth.
  6. I concur. This also. Some tend to say and do one thing then turn around and do the complete opposite.
  7. ^^^ this guy won't last here long....
  8. Where sambusa was said to be making a visit.
  9. My back yard is a perfect viewing spot however the moon is very bright
  10. Looks like I rode a hour to prebbletucky just to have no one show to ride.
  11. I say if the maker says it's good then post the next challenge.
  12. Next challenge: at boat loading ramp or boat dock.
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