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Everything posted by QuikAccord

  1. I always discharge mine with some sort of light bulb. When the light goes out its done.
  2. Haha I like how the little girl in front kinda quits getting into it once she notices the camera, and the little guy was just cute.
  3. Ssshhhh I'm on my way there tomorrow lol
  4. simply amazing....... you know you use an ipad/iphone too much that when using your laptop you hit the ctrl key on your key board so you can type/use the period key lol
  5. I'm surprised no one locked this thread yet.
  6. Railroad tracks and bb guns......
  7. I challange that pic. It's not a main entrance....
  8. I didn't think CRT tube type tv's had a color wheel. Sounds like a bad power supply.
  9. Haha you beat me to it. +rep to you.
  10. Haha. Never mind. I see the ninja edit. Lol
  11. Wait..... How does your troll appear in the original and not the quotes? Lol
  12. I'll def give rep for that. I have 30 I need to give lol
  13. So funny, during the 15 ride from my house to cracker barrel 2 tags were gotten. The best part, I was already on my way to a softball game. Haha
  14. Next challange: in front of a state park sign.
  15. I think the meet and greet be kept but the route needs to be saved for a better day. Weather report says high of 50. I personally don't think that is warm enough for group ride on this route.
  16. Okay I want to clear some things up here. Photo is of 350 west bound while traveling west coming down to the switch back. This is where he went down, blue arrow is our direction of travel, grey squiggle is where his scrape marks were left on the asphalt, and green is where his bike was up right and park when I came back to check on him. The road was clear, no debris. Curve was to the left and He slid on the right side of his bike. My best guess is that he got intimidated and panicked. I went through the switch back came to a stop at the bottom of the hill off to the side waited for him to come down. After a minute or so I doubled back to see what had happened.
  17. ^^^My bad, and that is why I have felt so bad about it when it happened. However I did warn him about the curves and their nature just before we came to them. I also explained about looking through the curve and focus on where he wanted to go and not the guard rail. I didn't realize just how low his conference and level of experience is/was. I still feel bad for entire situation.
  18. We have a few of those here in Ohio. One here in Troy, another in Urbana, and I'm sure plenty more around Ohio.
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