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Everything posted by chandu_732

  1. I liked CBR but I liked GSXR better. Did not test ride a 636 and not a big fan of R6(too small for me 6'4 205lbs and ride not as good as my gixxer). As somebody else said, go to a dealership sit on your choice of bikes, select 2,3 models you feel comfortable on and then go to Craigslist (or anyother web portals) and test drive few and select THE ONE
  2. Hey guys.. I think I might not go with you guys tomorrow.. We encountered a production issue and it should get resolved over the weekend (yeah I'm a computer programmer. Breaking and fixing is our job). I was completely prepared and you know what, I even rode about 120 miles today to get used to tomorrow's long ride. When I came back, I had several missed calls and a flood of emails about the issue. I'm really pissed right now. I was telling about this to my family, colleagues and friends over the past week. I whole heartedly wish you guys a great ride.. Please be safe and don't forget to upload photos. I hope I can make it next time...
  3. Thanks Uncle Punk for your response. My front and rear tires currently are Bridgestone Battlax and Super8 doesn't have them in stock. I ordered one online and it'll be here next week. Dealer told me that the front tire has enough thread to last 2 more seasons. BTW, I'm riding with you guys this Sunday . So I don't have any other option than riding with my worn rear tire. Once I meet you guys Sunday morning, if you think that might become dangerous then probably I'll back off . I'm riding the bike (70 mile round trip) twice/thrice a week and I feel pretty comfortable though. Let's see how this goes..
  4. Thanks. I'm not sure about the model but the brand is Dunlop. Usually they go for 250 and the guy told that some sale is going on and hence 160 for the tire.
  5. I may get the tire change done tomorrow. State 8 quoted me 200 installed for my rear tire. Is this reasonable? Now, I'm very positive that I'm gonna make it..
  6. Thanks for your response. Please let me know if the thread on my rear tire is good enough for such a ride. I've have an appointment for tire installation next week. http://www.ohio-riders.com/album.php?albumid=557&pictureid=5718
  7. chandu_732


    From the album: Ride

  8. chandu_732


    From the album: Ride

  9. chandu_732


    From the album: Ride

  10. chandu_732


    From the album: Ride

  11. chandu_732


    From the album: Ride

  12. chandu_732


    From the album: Ride

  13. chandu_732


  14. This sounds really interesting.. I've some plans to go to Putin Bay this Sunday, but may postpone that.. Yeah.. weather will be a huge factor. Please keep me in the loop. Also, can one of you post the physical address of where you guys are planning to meet. I'm from Fairlawn, Ohio (6 miles from Akron). This will be my first group ride and I'm so excited and kinda nervous looking at few comments. I rode a 200CC motorcycle for 7 years back in my home country and its less than a month I bought my current ride... Are you guys planning to ride alone or with a passenger.. just curious! See ya all soon..
  15. Thanks. Yeah.. hit me up when you plan on going for a ride..
  16. Thanks bud. Chandu is a familiar name in India.
  17. Thanks a lot guys... you people are super good..
  18. Was this just on 7/9 Thursday or Thursdays from here on?
  19. Hi All, I recently bought a 2007 Suzuki GSX-R 600. Dropped in to say hi. Looking forward to meet ya all. - Chandu
  20. Hi all, I might come. I'm from Akron, OH. Can you guys email me more details(chandu_732 at yahoo dot com)
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