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Posts posted by nukcrash69

  1. Yes.....My VFR...it was the last year before they went to the VTEC......now I can't find that year for sale anywhere.

    Still looking......because as a daily work rider you couldn't beat it.

    I also sold my 89 GSXR750......had right at 65,000 miles on it before the engine died......the only time it was taken appart was for valves and carb adjustment.....it was also the Red/White/Black color scheme, so not one you see every day. But with a blown engine it still sold for 1800 and I needed the money at that time.

  2. Well I havent been on here for a while so I thought I would post an update. I ended up trading my shadow for an RC51 its an 03. I have had it about a month and just love this thing. Finally got some power and handling back.

    Dude......welcome to the site....and where are you at.......I have an 02 and 04 RC......also looking at putting together a RC ride down in the KY.....

  3. Great roads today (minus all the yard sales and grass cutting!). I'm looking forward to another trip in the future, but I'll have to pass on tomorrow. Have a good ride.

    Yeah.....maybe we should have stopped and picked up something....:D

  4. Yes.......as of now there will be a couple of us coming from Dayton. Two know the roads very well, including some others. They've been riding them since 05 or earlier.

    The others I've invited down, which may also invite others themselves, are going to be brand new to these roads. So our pace will not be fast at all.

    As for myself, I used to consider this my weekly and weekend playground. However after a long layoff from Sep 06, I'm just now riding again. So I'm becoming familiar with it like an old friend.

    There will probably be a lot more coming from Dayton in the future. Some of our good roads have been taken over by gravel and other hazards due to construction projects. We’re not talking the small stuff either. I rounded a corner and was greeted by gravel (or rocks) the size of baseballs or a little bigger.

    So now I just steer individuals elsewhere for the good roads.

    See you guys down there.....:D

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