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Everything posted by RedRidingHood

  1. Ya +1 on the kick ass shots! You must have a damn good camera!
  2. I need to say sorry for the drama. I never wanted it to get out of hand. Hell when I first met some of the guys at bike night the other day they told me I was cool for "playing/fighting" back. Anyway...really..yes I'm a flirt..but I am really here to make friends..learn about bikes, so on and so forth before I get on the roads myself. Anyway..I'm looking for the delete profile button..and can't find it. I'm sure my direct "hater" can help me with that.
  3. It's still there? I thought it was gone?! Lol.
  4. No I believe you. This happens on every forum/board I've been on. No worries though. I'm playing..and I'm not taking it as personal attacks. Just saying don't send stuff if you can't back up WHO you are and WHY you said it. As a side note I didn't join to find sex partners..I joined to find ppl to ride with in the near future when I get my bike.
  5. :mad:Well apparently I'm attention whore so I've met him somewhere..maybe in my dreams..who knows. Lmao. Seriously! Put UP or shut up (not you Recon)..and for the record I had NOTHING to do w/ this thread..INya just like to tease me! That's fine.
  6. "you" tell me to calm down...have stalked my profile numerous times..and cannot even come out and SIGN your reps. Puss!
  7. WHAT? Seriously! K, you want the text info?
  8. True..from Mentor your kinda screwed! Oh well..I tried. lol. Really I need to sulk in some suds bc all this vroom vroom racing and rockets and power rangers has me 1.incredibly turned on, and 2. seriously WANTING my ride already!
  9. Kinda like that, in order or NOT, really don't care..just posting up to see who wants to meet up, maybe a drink (red bull, monster, beer)..and hang. I'm thinking of playing some v-ball..so who's up for some physical activity (get your minds OUT of the gutter)!? This is tonite..I'll be there in an hour... Razzles in Olmsted Falls. Let me know....I'll send my #. if your def. coming text me! Ya this is me trying to organize a spur of the moment ride& meet. Besides what else do you have to do tomorrow? Work? Pfft!
  10. Ok your now appointed as my guide to whatever this dude does! Hehe. I just love the white...totally SOLD!
  11. Nobody was there dry humping RRH! I'd think I would've known if THAT happened!
  12. So what's #23 look like w/o the gear on? ANYONE? lol:o:rolleyes:
  13. SO THAT was the dude in the white's name.. OMFG! I just thought of him as the White Power Ranger. Sweet colors and sweet bike!!! HELL YA!!!!!!!! RRH HOWLSSSSSSS! I also yelled "go whitey" when he went by lol..ppl there thought I was nutts...but really just a tad buzzed and in love!
  14. Ok I created my OWN group. Yea..it's like THAT. Join and you can see pics. Lol.

  15. Drumb-Let me know when! Walther-Thanks for the info..I'll look for him when next time I go.
  16. Hmm...well I'm home now...the world is a pretty big place.
  17. Went last night for the fireworks. Eh, you seen one show you've seen them all pretty much. Got food, and left. I'm only 4 blocks from the park there. IF I go today..and wear a goofy nurse outfit, I better be on the back of one's bike for tooling around in a nurse outfit! *throws the gear in the backpack*.....
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