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Everything posted by RedRidingHood

  1. LMAO!! Look for a James Vanderbeek look alike!
  2. K I'm sure you'll spot me before I spot all of you.
  3. I'm still "talkable"! lol
  4. Thanks. For the record I'm really not on sportbikes.net (I was, and got bored) but yes I am INDEED on sportbikegurls so there!
  5. Hmm...that's it I'm gonna stalk myself and see what I find. DAMMIT! lol
  6. Lol..well other than that I'll be tooling w/ the gay chauffer I'm usually with.
  7. Idk. If I do..won't be till 7-ish.
  8. HOLY CRAP MAN! I'm being stalked!!! Lol.
  9. Belong to one other one..thanks for the welcome.
  10. Well won't be hard to spot me..I'll be drooling over all the sport bikes, so just follow the chick that looks like this: Lmao. Or outside in bar area.
  11. was really sore (meant to go after this) sorry!
  12. ROCK ON! Holy shit I didn't think you were all serious! LMAO! That takes some gutts!!
  13. Ya I'm nutt! Sometimes I feel like ONE and sometimes I DON'T!
  14. LMAO Yes it's Fairview Park..but the local yocals like myself never refer to it as a "park" per say. It's "Fair" view. Blah..boring. Oh wait..it's fairview fun days this weekend. Who wants to ride some stupid carnie rides???!! lol
  15. ya we don't have that there fun shyt in fairviewwwwwwwwww!
  16. Bike, waist..same thing right? LMAO!
  17. Holy crap...I live under a rock..or is it in the metroparks? There's vball in Westlake? DAMMIT! *not trying to jack the thread*!
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