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Everything posted by RedRidingHood

  1. That's bad ass! I can't wait to start riding so I can do these kinds of rides! Awesome!! Thanks for posting the link!
  2. lol Asians and Ducati's....RRH runs!!!!!!!!
  3. Ya I just noticed that myself. Lol. he said "good people UP my way"..as in really "good people UP my ass" is what he meant to say. haha. jk. But no seriously.
  4. I'll be in jeans, bright blue tank and a Monster Energy hoodie. God only knows where I'll end up "staying"...I'll be looking for my neighbor who brought the keg and his bikes (he's got a repsol and black truck) ....which I probably just named about 50% of the ppl there. Lol.
  5. Hmm, pretty sure I could pull that off. Lol. Oh luv, I hear ya..the food is awesome. Oh and if inya shows he can get his face painted again HOTT! sits next to Mr Anderson....
  6. You guys crack me up. There's a few more in my albums here. I'd rather not post all the stuff on the forums ya know? Don't want to be like that "one" person that I already got compared too!
  7. Holy crap! It's cold and rainy..but I'm going anyway...headed out soon. Maybe see you cats there?! I'll be wearing blue. lol
  8. peanut butter? That's different!
  9. meaning? RRH napped? Sounds kinky. lmao. jk. I'm the one that usually does the tying and ball gags! *cracks whip*
  10. Sometime Sunday..at whatever upside down thingy they've got there
  11. Hmm, I "hear" the crimson is good for the skin, and the soul! Oh snap!
  12. I was thinking red cape and fishnets all the way!
  13. Yep if you were here you'd laugh..that "other" one and I are fighting constantly!
  14. The random voices in my head. Funtimes!
  15. Okay so most ppl here won't care..and honestly I'm just posting this out of boredom..but all weekend is Fairview Park Fun Days. At Westgate shopping center, rides, games, and fireworks on Sat. night (weather permitting). Blah. I'm missing it until Sunday, which is when I'll be back from mid-ohio. Anyway...so if anyone wants to ride up, maybe spin yourself squirley till ya puke, and all that fun stuff, let me know. I just might be there if there are cool people going. That is all.
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