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Everything posted by RedRidingHood

  1. Chiming in. I have a camera. Shoots video..not too long though, although I could get a 2nd memory card. Anyway, I'm thinking full gear, helmet cam and go carts. I tried to do this in Olmsted Falls, and got kicked out But hey, I'm in..I'll drive to Cbus ...it's where I shop for my gear anyway. Yes I have gear and no bike...lol. I do it all backwards! But at least I DO IT!
  2. Are YOU going? I'm close..in Fairview.
  3. Holy sheep shit batman! I want to do this sooo bad! Hell, on Wednesday's at Stonewall is ladies night, all I need is someone with experience to get in. I may think about doing this..thanks for the post and info! Guns and ammo and bikes, what more could a chick ask for!
  4. Well while waiting on the Army (which has taken quite some time btw) that's my way of getting, doing and eventually riding. It may or not happen this season..but if anything, one can still ride in Fall (unless it downpours the entire season).
  5. Just sayin...I haven't gotten a ride in a while..and last time I did, the dude had a temp. license plate and we got pulled over in River (what's w/ River anyway?) Obviously the ride ended way too soon and that's all she wrote on that one. Ehh, no worries though..I had no idea the Boneyard had bike night.
  6. Thanks. I have an Aunt&Uncle from South Euclid. Small world!
  7. NO please show me your tits? Come on now!
  8. http://img20.imageshack.us/i/p5280126.jpg/
  9. Sweet an Alpha female always needs protectors Hmm he rides a yellow ducati..that's all I'm sayin bout' "him"!
  10. Ruh roh raggy someone said Asian! Which means they prob know my X, which may not be a good thing.
  11. Ok so I have no idea where to put this, where do I upload pics? Other than my profile? Help a sista out! lol
  12. Hey N. Olmsted! I'm right by you! Neighbors....
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