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Posts posted by drc32-0

  1. Is it OK if I point out that you guys are debating the Cleveland shooting in the Michael Brown thread?  I agree that the kid (Tamir Rice) shouldn't have been shot for his actions shown on the video….Michael Brown, on the other hand, probably caused his own death.  I still say that the REAL trigger of what appears to be an overly quick shooting was as a direct result of the driver-cop's actions.  If he hadn't pulled up with his partner's door less than 10 feet from a reported 'kid with a gun' the shooter wouldn't have had to make a snap decision.  If the car had been stopped further back and angled in a position where the passenger door could have been used as a shield, there would have been additional time for the shooter to assess the situation and take a defensive position.  In this case, it appears to me both of the officers were incompetent….at best.

    Jeez,if everyone did that OR would lose a large percentage of its posts.This dead horse thread alone has dragged on for 34 pages...far longer than any thread related to motorcycles.

  2. I agree that it shouldn't have to happen this way.

    One thing I'd like to see come from the Ferguson shooting...all officers should have cameras on them.These cameras might defuse some of these incidents.

    From the Cleveland incident...this kid was let down by his parents...shit parenting is the underlying factor of a large percent of America's problems.I have no idea how you solve this problem in a country that worships the dollar bill and mocks religion or any absolute right and wrong.

    Before all of you "fairy dust" folks start your spiel...you might as well hold your breath...I'm old enough to have witnessed the decline of religion parallel the increase of the lack of morality/civility in American culture.

    Until I see your line of thought work to solve the problem,at just appears to be a contributing factor to the problem.

    • Upvote 3
  3. Or they could try not being dirt bags for a change. Get educated and make the right choices when it comes time to vote. Obey the law even if they seem stupid and you won't have any run ins with the law.

    Are you talking about the police or the black people?

  4. I love these media constructed hysteria threads...some of the best belly laughs on the whole forum.

    We'll I gotta go...just came out of my bunker long enough to get water and ammo ...you know,we live in such perilous times...whiskey,tango,foxtrot out.

  5. Hmm.... like Obama's machine only one sided. You might be on to something here. Media manipulation.

    Interesting concept.


    Not being mean to you or anything but here is the gap of what is in the news and what is not.

    It does seem to be very partisan, of course it does  depend on how you see it and who you ask.


    Interesting how you see the reps as the bad guys while the dems clearly control the media.

    By the very things you quote, that is the story, but not the other side..




    I mean, I could easily make the same argument the other way.


    Odd that it would be the same thing.


    So I guess we are left with the same idea from both points of view.


    The other guy is a bad man while I am a good man.


    Yep, it is all about the 'OTHER' guy. Who you should be very afraid of, because, ....


    Perhaps we are all being mislead... Worrying about left or right all the while...

    Of course it's all media manipulation.

    It's like watching the book "Animal Farm" being brought to life.

    We're (at least the ones who are paying attention) in the final chapter where the animals look in the farm house window and can't tell the pigs from the men.

    Like the animals in the book,we(the working class) have been played.

    • Upvote 2

    Good catch on the Reagan thing. Interesting to note, nobody seems to connect the Reps with immigrants even though Reagan started it. Wonder why? Maybe it's just out of the public memory.


    A well oiled,and financed propaganda machine...Fox News,OxyContin Rush,Glen Beck,Americans for Prosperity and on and on.As the old tactic goes,say it enough and it becomes the truth.Besides,all of the above mentioned folks have learned that you can make hundreds of millions of dollars telling the right wingers what they want to hear.


    Try this, The Democratic party started the conversation of amnesty back in the days of Clinton. This is not a new thing.


    Right and wrong...right that this is not a new thing,wrong that Clinton started it.the immigration reform act of 1986 gave amnisty to several million illegals.Who signed it into law...the same man that jump started the never ending escalating national dept.

    The right wing's demigod,Ronald Reagan.

  8. the blacks and whites have had their chance.  in 2016, vote asian.


    not republican or democrat or liberal or conservative, just asian.


    you know deep down, it's the only way.



    why?  because we're better at scrabble than you and english is our second or third language. that's why.

    I'm all for voting asian.At least in one respect I'd love to see a Chinese politician run our government...they execute crooked businessmen.

    We just elect them governor.

  9. Another great video doc...I really liked the narrative.Many parts of the American west is a motorcycle nirvana and you captured it very well.

    Congratulations on the upcoming new addition to your family.From all of your posts that I've read I think the little one is going to be very lucky to have you and your wife for parents.

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