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Posts posted by drc32-0

  1. Funny you should ask.I was wondering about the same area last week so I went down and rode 143,124 and 554 in that area.of the three I would give 124 the highest marks followed by 143 and newly paved 554 bringing up the rear.They aren't really my type of roads...a little to open for my tastes,some curves but not real concentrated.The western end of 124 being the exception,it's pretty twisty.

    We included 681 on our Spring Ramble back in May and it got good reviews.It's pretty twisty and has a good flow about,I don't recall many "Gotcha " corners on it.

    There is one keeper in that area...689.It runs from 32 down to Wilksville,maybe 10 miles.The ends near 32 has some good stuff!You. Can pick up 124 in Wilkesville.

    365that cuts off of 124 might be worth a look...it looks good on the map.I didn't ride it.

    Have fun down there.

  2. 377 is probably my favorite high speed sweeper road in the state.Plenty of good roads in the area to connect with it to make some very challenging rides.

    With all the fracking in the eastern part of the state Morgan county and the counties south of it has the best riding right now.

  3. I'm a big fan of the FJR,but any of the sport-tourers would probably due the trick for you.


    I wouldn't be afraid to lane split with an FJR...I did it for several months in the Bay area and never had a problem...and that's coming from a seo hillbilly.The first time or two is a little unsettling,but once you get the hang of it,it's the only way to go.

  4. What a beautiful day, shud have ridden today instead dayum

    It was a beautiful day for riding today...I got in 340 miles heading down to the Southern tip of Ohio.

    Any chance you could get away for a weekend the first or second week of October?I've got a route I think you would like...plenty of twisties,most of them are on very good pavement.Fall colors would make it even better.

  5. Want to extent your riding range...this bike will do it.600 mile days are comfortable on a FJR with plenty of power for most riders,very good handling even with the weight.hard bags make it a great commuter,adjustable windshield extends your riding season and bad weather riding.

    Don't let 30 K miles both you,FJR's routinely go over 100 K,I have 104K on my '04,several members on the FJR forum have over 100k and Gray Ghost is still running around SEO with his '03 with over 300,000 miles on her.

  6. There was a small article in the Columbus Dispatch this past week announcing that a cracker plant will be built in Monroe county,due to come on line by 2019.this a major project...1 billion dollars.What the article didn't mention is that there are two much larger cracker on the drawling board in Parkersburg WV and Manaca Pa.

    So what's my point?

    This...these plants,and several other gas processing plants,will need several instrument techs!From my limited experience with instrument techs there just isn't that many out there.

    If I was a young person who likes mechanical and electrical/electronic work,I would take a good look at this career field.If you like working on cars or motorcycles,those skills can translate over to the instrument tech career field pretty easily.Some of the best I.T.s I know were mechanics first.

    As for pay...a GOOD I.T. will make over 100 k with a very good benefit package.

    The need is coming,it's your call.

    ...and you will be living in some of the best riding areas in the mid west!

    • Upvote 2
  7. Where do you ride when you have no place to ride to? I think I have a conflict here that needs a solution. I have a sport bile soul with a cruiser mentality. I like the feel, nimbleness and looks of sport bikes but have a cruiser personality. I don't like to ride the city streets acting crazy. Back roads and highways are my playground and I like to just go. The Street triple is mana for my soul but its limited range and lack of any storage options becomes problematic. Plus, even though it has a very comfortable riding position after an hour or so instead of carving roads the seat is carving my butt. I'm sitting here now staring at her like a girl that I iknow is no good for me but I can't get out of my mind. Sigh.........

    It's not the bike,it's the location.

    Change that Northwest Ohio to Southeast Ohio...you and the Speed Triple will be in heaven.An hour ride will be an oh hell yea...instead of a sigh.

    • Upvote 2
  8. That's where I'll be this weekend.I doubt

    if I can run all of the routes In two days,but hopefully I can get three loops in.I've been on some of these roads ,but a lot of them will be" new to me" roads...it should be a good weekend.

  9. It's been several years since I've been on 15 in the Webster Springs area,but I always wondered why it wasn't mentioned more often when people talk about great W.V. rides.It's a very good ride!


    I made my reservations for two nights in Beckley for this weekend.I'm going over to ride some of the routes that were layed out by a local rider from the FJR forum.I'm really looking forward to checking out these routes because they have quite a few county roads and some very squiggily lines on the map.Should be some good stuff.

  10. Just stay out!

    We really should learn something from history,especially recent history...it's a hell of a lot easier getting in than getting out,and we usually leave it worse than we found it.

    • Upvote 2
  11. And Obama is the reason why you should never vote for a democrat!  We will be paying for his bs for decades!

    You're probably right,and where does that leave us...we desperately need to get rid of the two party system.They are just two sides of the same coin.

    • Upvote 2
  12. ...since you're talking about the New Martinsville area...Proctor Creek Rd(cr 87) is 5 miles North of the bridge from Hannibal off WV2.it runs all the way over to 250 near Cameron(?).if I remember correctly it's 26 miles long...good pavement the whole way,but the road narrows and you lose the centerline the last 6-8 miles.Very remote,but pretty area.Don't cut the corners once you lose the centerline because there are a lot of frack trucks in the area.

    Another good road that cuts off of Proctor Creek...Brock's Ridge...runs over to WV7.

    I was living off of Proctor Creek last year,but I haven't been over there this year since early spring and there is a lot of fracking and fracking related work going on in that area so road conditions can change quick.

    There was some other good roads in the area and one with a pretty cool name...Sally's Backbone Rd.

  13. Thanks for letting us know what you found over in WV.Lots of good stuff over there.With your post and the maps that Chuck has posted,I'm really wanting to get back over there...maybe I can pull off a two day ride over the Labor Day weekend.

    Thanks again.

  14. Many many people predicted this type of thing would happen by taking Hussein out.When will the US learn to stay out of other countries business. We (the US) cannot expect the world to be like us, or even believe in the same lifestyle. Some are happy being in a life we would call primitive.

    Yes we did.This was an epic Bush fuck up and the reason you should never vote for a republican!

    We will be paying for his stupidity for decades.

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