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Posts posted by drc32-0

  1. Nice pics!


    You gotta admit that free range cattle barging through you're campsite sure beats free range bears.


    I rode 191 back in April on my way to California....it was one of about 5 roads that I wanted to ride on that trip.I really enjoyed it,the different terrain(mountains,forest,meadows) and some excellent riding,especially the 30 miles or so north of the mine.Very fun!!!


    Thanks for bring back some memories.

  2. ^

    I've never considered winter riding a dick measuring contest.

    I've always liked riding in winter since I used to slide my YZ80 around in the snow back in the seventies.

    To each his own.

    Besides...the traction is there,you just have to sharpen you're skills to stay in the tire tracks from the cars...a skill that comes in handy all year around in S.E.O.

  3. Another fun route.

    Thanks for the write-up.

    536 is in pretty bad shape,but it is supposed to be paved in the next two years.Once it's paved be sure to check it out.When they last paved it back in 2007,I was working over there and I was able to run it out and back every night.In my opinion,536 is one of the best twisty rides in S.E.O. when it has good pavement.

  4. If you're looking for a back way down to that area you might look at something like Revenge Rd out of Lancaster down to Clear Creek Rd or Jack Rabbit Run.


    It's not great,but it's not bad either...much better than 33.One warning though...Clear Creek is Rough on the end away from 33.It's not a high speed road,but it is pretty out there and it has a bolder that you won't forget.


    Just an option.

  5. 328 south of 56 is definitely worth a ride.It has a lot of the same feel as 356...maybe a little tamer.It was paved early this spring.

    328 north of 56 is something of a snooze in my opinion.

    The 691,356 combo has been a favorite of mine since they paved 691 last year.

    A lot of good county roads in the H.H. area...Thompson Ridge,Big Pine,Kreashbaum,Harble-Grifith(be careful) come to mind.

    It's good to hear your knee is healing up.So what did you think of the roads on the route you ran that day?

  6. I would do the 255>7>260>26 option...although you'll miss what I consider the best part of 260...from 26 north to Marr.

    There is some new pavement on 26 from 537 to 260,but this section of 26 isn't anything special.As a matter of fact I would ALWAYS take the 537/260 option over this section of 26.This part of 537/260 is some really good riding.

    I was on all of these roads two Sundays ago...there is some fracking related work going on on the bottom 4-5 miles of 255,the road might be dirty and look out for big trucks,otherwise 255 is good.260 is one of my favorites and the fall colors were still good on it when I rode it...probably not now.But 800 is a good choice also...new pavement in the last two years from Fly(7) to 255.Probably less traffic on 260 though.

    Newly paved 676 will be a highlight.

    That area is just full of great roads...you can't hardly go wrong with whatever route you choose.

    Enjoy your ride.

  7. Kind of early for this subject,but I'll chime in.


    I got a "there and back" ride in Monday and Tuesday from New Martinsville WV to Zanesville.


    Monday I took 255,26,676 and 669 back to Zanesville.The good stuff heading back to WV on Tuesday included 564,565,260 and the Sistersville ferry across the river.


    I never put the bikes up for winter...there is always good enough weather to get  one of the bikes out once in a while. 

  8. I finally got a chance to go over and ride newly paved 676.Damn,it is sure good to have this old friend back!!!555 to Dale is everything I remembered it to be.It's probably been 5-6 years since I've been able to ride 676 with good surface conditions.We now have excellent pavement from 555 all the way to 7 at Marietta.


    This one is going to be back in a lot of my ride routes.


    Anyone getting in one more ride this fall ought to check out 676.


    Thanks Lance!!!

  9. Highway 1 alone the California coast is my favorite road in America.I was out there in April,and I would get up at dawn on Sunday mornings to ride the section from Mill Valley to Stinson Beach.I had several passes across this beautiful twisty section without one car in my lane...what a blast!!!

    Don't miss the eastern section of Scaggs Springs-Stewart Point Rd.,the locals call it Scaggs Valley International Speedway...one exceptionally well engineered road.

    Farther north check out "The Avenue of the Giants" near Leggett.Also...highways 36,299 and 26.

    Here's some pics from my April trip....


  10. It's good to hear they're paving 676.About two or three years ago they chip/sealed a large section of it and pretty well ruined it for motorcycles.I really hope they're paving the section from 555 to the small town of Dale...that was always one of my favorite rides until the chip/seal debacle.

    Hopefully they're paving all the way to Watertown...the pavement from Watertown to Marietta is good already.

    A couple good roads off of 676... 792 at Dale(it goes to 266 then to newly paved 377...CR6,Buchanon Rd(runs over to 339 near Beverly and the good section of 339 from Beverly to Dexter City.

    Also...as you go into Marietta check out the Marietta Over Look.

  11. Pretty negitive for only your second post.


    There's a woman on the FJR forum that rides a spider since she a had a terrible accident about five years ago...she had the back wheels of a semi run over her and her FJR.


    She rides her spider year round,knows central and northern California motorcycle roads better than most other California riders,takes multi-state rides,rides in all types of weather and posts some of the best pictures and ride reports I have ever seen.


    Bottom line...she rides...and she has seen the darkest side of motorcycling and still rides.


    If you think you can tell who's a "real" rider by the type of bike they ride,you might want to keep driving a car.

    • Upvote 2
  12. So we made it down into WV over the last two days. Was supposed to rain but we went anyway and it was fine. Didn't get wet until just east of Coonville on 56 on the return trip. We stayed in the western part of WV for this trip, will go further out some other time.

    WV has Good roads in general but the houses seem to crowd the road more than here. And there's more of them and they don't step the speed limit down for the "towns" as much. This is sort of nerve wracking when you are taking a corner and seeing these driveways with some guy's porch 3 feet off the road and his pickup even closer. Wouldn't want to have him take off on a grocery run while I'm rounding the curve.

    250 from Moundsville to Fairmont would be a great road but it's in terrible shape. The outsides are crumbling, sometimes three inches down from the rest of the lane. Forces you into the left tire track which makes left turns interesting when there is oncoming traffic. My brother thought it was a riot but he's kinda nuts.

    Overall fun trip but we had just as much fun on the Ohio roads on the way there and back. My brother lives in Seattle and was amazed at the quality of roads Ohio has. Our scenery certainly can't compete with the Cascades, but the roads are twistier here and more challenging.

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions.

     I'm working and staying outside of New Martinsville.This weekend I rode most of the same section of 250 that you mentioned.It's a shame that 250 is in such bad condition because it really is a great road.I rode it back in 2007 when it had good pavement and it was a blast!You'd think it would be better taken care of since it's a major rural route,kinda like 800 in S.E.O.

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  13. Rode 78 over to the Ohio today. Was going to try 536 out, but it is closed. I even checked ODOT site before I left...dammit. Had to improvise my planned route, so I rode 78 to the river, then down 7 to 800, back to 78. 78 in good shape all the way over. 7 made me feel at home as its pretty toe-up. 800 in very good shape with scattered gravel and some rough stuff just out of Woodsfield. Clocked 230 total today. Great ride.

    You should have went with the routes you listed in the thread title...530 is a much better ride than 536 imho.


    They're pretty far apart though.


    Another thought...when 536 does open up,cross over into W.V. there in Hannibal,head North on 2 for about 5-6 miles and take a right onto county road 89(Proctor Creek Road).You'll have about 23 miles of 536 type twisties all the way to 250,which ain't to bad itself!Be patient with 89 because the pavement is a little rough between the switchbacks heading up the hill from the river,but it's good pavement up on the ridge.

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