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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Where exactly in South Florida? If it's anywhere near my Dad he might be able to help out with shipping gear to or whatever but I like Tonik's idea best. Cheap ass carry on and stuff in the gear or if you've got a decent bag setup from current bike that can go on new bike?
  2. I would suggest people use that additional info line for that. Especially people like me who have my wife in my phone as simply "Wife"
  3. I always wanted a TRS but didn't see the need since I had that Baxley. The Baxley was just the fuckin best
  4. i wish this was a public post and not an email. Could have finally had a throwback epic post
  5. good thing I didn't buy the vehicle I was planning on last night otherwise I'd have no choice but to go buy it for $425
  6. I did. It was in Florida but my Dad got a 36x24x18 done with concrete, electrical, water, drainage 3 overhead doors, 2 man doors and windows for 28k Lucky bastard
  7. No concrete or electrical
  8. I'm now abandoning this idea because the only builder I could get to call me back wanted $20k for a 24x24x12. I've got about 5 other needs to use the cash for now instead of a luxury of another garage. Plus if I wait a bit and my dad sells his house I'm still banking on him kicking me cash to build something to store all his shit too
  9. Bad324


    I used my points to renew my support status that was hands down the best thing about them
  10. thank god I was born with decent initials because I've sat here for 5 mins trying to come with up a legitimate creative option and as it turns out I am also not creative
  11. I have this too. I've yet to have an Anker product that hasn't been awesome
  12. Not surprised with them on a Monday honestly. Reach out to Corey O'keefe 440-497-4393 x251 or cokeefe@leadersmoving.com Tell him Brian DeGross referred you and that you have a $100 off coupon. He may give you both the coupon and a slight discount as well. If you went with them this would be the 5th move I've given them since March
  13. ah fucking mortgage companies and taxes just boned me so now I have $4k less than planned. May just end up extending the driveway 10ft for the extra parking space I need for the time being and put off the garage. What a bummer
  14. Leaders Moving and Storage. I've used them 3x now and they've always been the best price and haven't ruined or lost a single thing of mine
  15. sweet they still have it so just did that. for a 24x24x12 they have me at $7k in materials
  16. shit I sold that thing months ago
  17. ight now my biggest thing is figuring out a ballpark price range of what it would run me and if I can do this now or if I should save up and wait. I don't need or can really fit anything huge, realistically I'd probably be at 24' x 20' or I can go 24' x 24' if I can get a variance from the city on how close it can be to the edge of the lot. I also need a ceiling height of 12' so I can add a storage lift down the line because the end game is to have storage for my Firehawk and soon to be '65 GTO. If I can get those on one side and be able to have my daily next to them would be the dream.
  18. $120 I got this ticket as a gift but can't make it this weekend. Would like to sell it so I can attend a different concert in the fall. http://inkcarceration.com/ http://inkcarceration.com/files/2014/04/FinalMAINposter.jpg
  19. $120 I got this ticket as a gift but can't make it this weekend. Would like to sell it so I can attend a different concert in the fall.
  20. Who has had a pole barn built, what size and how much? Do's and don'ts? Things you wish you did or didn't do. I'm looking at now going pole barn route for 2nd garage instead of stick built for a few reasons. I'm somewhat limited on size because of my new lot and my budget.
  21. if any of you are surprised by the words in the article written by a man that looks like this well then I feel bad for you
  22. Scott is very meticulous in ownership with his stuff so that thing is in tip top shape!
  23. Congrats! I like other people's cats. Cats will never live in my house, ever.
  24. I've worked with ODOT and been involved in litigation with them. Like most goverment agencies they do not give a shit about anything but their budget. They will tell you what you want to hear so you leave them alone.
  25. Hey I only realistically offered it for trade for 1 motorcycle. Every one after that was just for shits n giggles
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