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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Welcome. FANTASTIC choice in cbr, looooove the Phoenix
  2. Interesting...wonder what that franchise is as I've not heard of anything similar to what that sounds like
  3. Well step 1 to me making this is done: clearing my Saturday. Step 2 should be going down tonight with an oil change. Now the weather just needs to cooperate...
  4. Does he have a brick and mortar or just a web presence?
  5. That's where I grew up! Hmm wonder if he would be looking for an online retailer
  6. Looks like I'm going to give in and tackle its spring oil change tonight!
  7. Yup, there would be plenty of options you can't get locally and Jerky would defintely be in the plan!
  8. I value my life far too much to lane split. Too many clueless drivers not paying attention Not to mention these petitions don't do a damn thing
  9. Trying to see if a venture is worth pursuing. There are plenty already (locally I only know 2 stores) so not sure but id want to start with an online store then maybe branch out in to hitting flea markets and festivals and what not then moving maybe in to a store. It would be a store of condiments, sauces, rubs and specialty flavors of all kinds.
  10. Bad324

    Kids helmet

    I have a women's small helmet I think still ylu can have. Not sure if that will be small enough or not
  11. You're not gonna win. She's a woman and likely doesn't understand the finer points and skills it takes to race a vehicle.
  12. I've been to Harley dealers all over on my VFR and no issues to report I think you'll be just fine
  13. Any Restoration company should be able to do it like a ServPro
  14. Glad you're ok man. Commuting in NEO sucks with all the shitty drivers. Bozo the clown? I much prefer Homey D clown:
  15. Bad324

    Baltimore Riots

    I've got a better idea instead of putting emergency responders in harms way Pull them all out. Let the assholes loot and riot and burn all their shit down and build a wall around it and keep them caged in like the animals they are acting like. Boom instant cheap prison
  16. Bad324

    Baltimore Riots

    Lower class gonna lower class
  17. Down in Akron by the old Rolling Acres mall so my 12 mile commute turned to 23 miles and probably will add another couple miles if we move anytime in the near future
  18. Bad324

    2007 Tahoe LT

    Finally got the new job and my commute is longer so looking to move this again. May be open to trades Updated for sale link: http://cleveland.craigslist.org/cto/4985865492.html
  19. Bumping this back up. Got a new job and it's a longer commute so want to get back in to a car again She's now got 92,xxx miles and dropping the price to $18,500. May go a bit lower once I figure out where I'm at on the pay off
  20. Bad324

    Ohio Bike Week

    My dad has gone the last couple years and has tried to get me to come out. Not my kind of fun though and it's usually the same timing as the Gap trip so we all know which of those 2 would win out
  21. Haven't been pulled over yet but a great experience was when a group of probably 10 of us were riding and a spot shower hit and we took refuge under the drive through of a bank that was closed that day. He pulled up and bs'd with us a bit and then had radar up checking out other spots and actually took lead in his cruiser of a couple local roads that we should hit. Unfortunately my buddy wrecked on a freshly paved road that was still wet. The cop was awesome and felt bad since he took us down that road and we all went back to the station and my buddy got cleaned up and we made some temp repairs to get him to make the hour plus ride home
  22. Bad324


    Hell yea I'm a drunk asshole, most everyone knows that What I'm not is a disrespectful asshole. Also much like racist stereotypes bother others, these stereotypes at times bother me. Granted my house were classified as the Animal House which is about as anti stereotypical fraternity as it gets. So I'm not sure why sometimes it pisses me off like it does
  23. Bad324


    Don't get me wrong I'm not defending these pieces of shit for what they did. I hope they get beat to shit for what they did
  24. Bad324


    Because the only drunk college students are fraternity members? I will give you that an overwhelming amount are douchebags but saying this only happened because they were frat bros is like saying crime in urban areas only happens because the perpetrators are X race. Give me a break
  25. Bad324


    Frat has nothing to do with itThe horrible generation of entitled pieces of shit has everything to do with it
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