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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. I assure you to make it easy on yourself just to make it that way. Plus it makes it a shit ton easier in anyone that was there last year willing to lead and sweep this year. Otherwise it will be 6 more pages of discussion and half will be worthless anyway. So long as I don't sell the bike for some crazy price or take the opportunity to make a long weekend ride to somewhere new you can pretty much count me in to sweep a medium group or slim chance if we need another slow group I can lead one of those if absolutely necessary
  2. Yup Sterling is great when you work or have family that works there. My brother in law has worked there a year now and the only jewelry I've bought has been with his discount other than the engagement ring. They watch pretty close and it would've been suspicious him buying one when he's already married
  3. It's really not all that dangerous if you have a decent set of driving skill. I had never driven a car on any type of track until about 5 years ago when a family friend let me take a couple laps in his race C5 around Mid O. I almost declined because I was nervous for the same line of thinking but once I got out there it was the most fun I ever had on 4 wheels
  4. Lol not really when you have 8 people saying how dumb a move it is. Going that route you'd have to ban 80% of the board when discussing ride stories or sharing ride videos because speeding is illegal and any discussion of it is the website propagating it being acceptable
  5. The only reason I haven't pulled the trigger is garage space otherwise I've got my heart dead set on a coupe in torch red with the 2LT and Z51 package, 7spd and the black split 5 spokes since that is more likely in the budget than holding out for a Z06
  6. Front says supercar to me
  7. ^^^right? If they get busted they get busted and let the ins co figure it out
  8. I'm sure quality is low. Most people can't tell the difference anyhow. Hell I was and sort of still am one of them, I only know what I do now because I got a crash course in diamonds from my neighbor who I bought my fiances ring from
  9. Siiiiiiiick. I was just in a dealership talking numbers on one while I had my fiances car in for service. If it wasn't for my entirely too small garage, I may have pulled the trigger
  10. I've worked with at least a dozen different unions now, every single one is a majority of caddy bit by whiny high school girl mentality from 75% of the members. Then you've got about 25% thst are just normal hard working good dudes. I'm a known hater of unions because they more often than not they do more harm than good from a business stand point
  11. The only issue (to some) is it would be the same weekend as the Epic Ride. I did it last year and since I'm missing the Gap trip I was thinking along these lines of doing something different
  12. oh snap Hillbilly Hot Dogs...I've always wanted to go there
  13. hmm Senca Rocks, WV intrigues me! Mainly because I could stay at my friends in Charleston too
  14. You bring up some good ones but I probably should add this in the OP so I'll edit it. I live in CLE so Cleveland/Akron stuff is out, I've been to Hocking Hills a couple times now. My goal is to try somewhere new if I end up doing this to check it off the list so to speak!
  15. a hose will not clean the way I require it to be cleaned. Every year at the end of the season I tear the bitch down to get a thorough cleaning so I'd rather not have salt debris and dust sitting in nooks and crannies on this one. Other bikes I've had I could care less since I knew I was only keeping them for a season or two at best
  17. Nope, told her the same thing. Too much salt on the road Also the forecast doesn't look nearly as nice as it did yesterday, I'm not riding in no damn 38* high
  18. What would your ideal weekend getaway ride be? Tossing some ideas around in my head for a free weekend I have to go somewhere different Ideally the schedule would be leave Friday after work and get a couple hours of riding in before dark. Get around 3-400 miles in on Saturday, then high tail it back home on Sunday. Best case scenario is end up somewhere Sat night a little touristy or with a brewery or some food place that is a must go to, I like to eat
  19. shiiiiiit....like I ever had pants to wear when it comes to the bike that is incorrect. She saw the weather and actually asked to go for a ride this weekend
  20. I don't live in Columbus, time, care, house responsibilities, car responsibilities, etc etc
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