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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. The 3 wrecks I am talking about happened in the Medium groups. The fast group was so far out ahead of us thankfully it caused no domino effect. The 3 wrecks I'm referring to caused a massive domino effect between the medium groups and the touring group
  2. definitely check out the ringo threads if you want really good ones
  3. The way a thread goes around here is largely dependent on the OP's follow up responses and attitude. Dude took it like a pro and not a little bitch so there was no need amp it up any further
  4. Cdub's has the right idea to get it planned correctly. Once all that is in place further pre-planning and organization should be done to avoid the issues of last year. Some of those being: *Groups have a general idea of who will be in what group ahead of time *Parking should be done by organized by group from the get go of people arriving *A STRICT time schedule of when groups leave needs set That is what I can think of now from last year that were issues
  5. Shiiiiit I'm this way cause I'm a grumpy old man stuck in a younger mans body :lol But specifically I am referring to last years Epic Ride. Between the group in front of mine and ours which ended up becoming one big group, had 2-3 people go down in the first 10 miles. One just didn't have anywhere near the experience to be in the Medium pace group and the other had too shitty and worn tires for the ride. I remember 2 specifically and I think there was even a 3rd which was a target fixation issue. I don't get as many big rides as I used to and when I am able to make those I want to be able to log as I can. And when issues like last year arise this doesn't happen because I have a greater obligation to make sure a fellow motorcyclist who wrecked is ok and his situation is figured out
  6. I'm in for early spring or fall! Hoping my schedule works out and I can make it again. I'll likely volunteer to run sweep on a group if I do make it. However, if that does happen and somehow I'm involved like I was last year I'm going to be extremely picky about who the hell is in my group. If I don't know you or have someone that I know vouch for you, I'll likely prefer you ride in another group.
  7. Wow for 23 I'm impressed. Let me give you a little nugget though. Everything you want and state you are looking for can all be done without a club. When I started riding I had zero friends who rode. Almost 5 years of being a forum member and I bet I have at least 30 friends I met through this forum. You don't need no stinkin club! Also, ride with the right guys and your skill level will develop 10 fold Lastly, "fighting for the front" for any group ride is about the worst idea ever and will surely result in some serious wrecks. So in the interest of fellow motorcyclist safety, please rethink that
  8. We're planning on heading to Hawaii with my fiances family in 2015. I hope it comes to fruition and that she understands I'm renting a motorcycle one day and going fishing another day
  9. sometimes I wish the VFR actually sold, I'd pick this up in a heartbeat if it did!
  10. So I'm sure a ton of people got gift cards for the Holidays so I figured I'd see if anyone was looking to do a little trading I have a $50 Home Depot, a $50 Sears and a $20 Target. Would like to trade all 3 for Amazon of the same value or 2 of them to get all the same retailer
  11. He's already admitted to previous Bigfoot hoaxes? This is clearly another one I'm sure
  12. NinjaDoc is the one that always organized it. He's since moved Michigan and works even more than he used to. So unless someone else steps up I don't think it will happen
  13. I cannot stand when people use that as an objection for "eye for an eye" style punishment because of the fact they just decide to omit the fact that the executioner is doing his job and the criminal committed a crime
  14. Guillotines are even quicker! I wish they'd bring those back and quit messing around with this lethal injection BS
  15. I'm interested. Can I join even though there is a contingent of people who feel my bike isn't a "sport bike"
  16. The more I see these listed the more I can't believe the crazy deal I got on my '06 a few years back GLWS!!
  17. Bad324

    2014 Gap trip

    Neither myself or the VFR are going anywhere! Ill still be riding unless someone offers me stupid money or trade for it and I can figure out how to fit a car I want in my budget and current garage
  18. It is a totally open invite indeed. There is camping available pretty nearby but far enough that it isn't walkable to nightly festivities if you're in to that
  19. Those Azalea cabins are REALLY nice, I think that is definitely a good move indeed. This has been one of the best trips of my summers so if you're on the fence with going just make the effort to go and you won't regret it. Wish I could make it this summer but the schedule just doesn't work for a June trip for me
  20. Bad324

    2014 Gap trip

    Hey half my reasoning is cause I knew Pauly and Matt weren't able to this year either
  21. Interesting I've not seen that set up before!
  22. Odd. I was asking if it's electric heat?
  23. Only made me think too many people shouldn't have drivers licenses in the first place
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