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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. welp my Mom has been on puppy sitting duty today and he's been so much of a character for her she has gifted us some in-home training sessions with the same lady who they went to to get their pup trained to be a Therapy Dog this is excellent news
  2. and the friendly ghost once again hits it out of the park!
  3. I'm pretty sure you're much quicker than me so this makes sense. The only time I've really had a problem hitting pegs is on steep uphill turns. I'm also a major wimp when it comes to the downhill side
  4. ah the ol butt dyno seems to be malfunctioning congrats on the purchase
  5. Bad324

    Pocket guns

    If I go .380, Bodyguard was indeed the way I was leaning
  6. I hate every single bike that isn't mine because I'm not bikeist
  7. ok so I'm on the right track. When he gets overly aggressive with his biting/nipping...I've been holding him down on his side or back so he can't bite at us and it starts to calm him down. It works for a few seconds and then he's back at it again so I'm not sure if he thinks I'm just playing
  8. Bad324

    Pocket guns

    Just sold my Beretta last night and I am now coveting a pocket gun in 9mm for better summer carry. I really want a 9mm but may be convinced into a .380 again if its a steal of a deal and NOT an LCP Can anyone give me opinions on these or add to the list of options I haven't thought of: Kahr CM9 Kel-Tec PF9 Ruger LC9 (low on the list due to my dislike of the LCP) I like the Nano and Shield however I think they are just a bit too big for what I'm looking for. The above 3 I've never handled so not sure their size comparison to the nano and shield
  9. burning off his energy is the easy part, my biggest challenge has been trying to figure out a way to keep him from biting/nipping at us and his toys instead. I know its part of them being a puppy but he can get quite aggressive about it which is what concerns me man I figured I'd be in for a treat but damn has it been interesting. On several occasions I have taken him outside to pee and he goes. He comes back in the house and not 3 mins later he's pissing on the rug just to spite me I think I'm not kidding, if this is true I'll do it. I'm all for obedience by dominance so long as its not abusive I straight told my gf last night, if we don't get him to the trainer soon I'm donating him to you
  10. you and anyone else can surely think that if you'd like but in the end nobody gives a shit because the people who are here and do stick around and have all met, hung out, ridden with, etc know what the REAL story is. Are there some comments that might be construed as over the line, sure. Is it the vast majority as some people are insinuating...absolutely not. So yes, I'll stick by and continue to say "fuck em if they can't take a joke" motherfucking BINGO!!!
  11. honestly, it would take $10k in cash for me to give up my VFR. I'm one of those crazy ones that is too attached to it once I got it the way I wanted which its about 90% there
  12. oh crap I can't believe this is a week away, I haven't even gotten the VFR out once yet
  13. yup that appears to be the same one indeed. Definite dick move if its the original seller and was a great deal at $1550
  14. If you pay 7k for an 06-09 IMO it better be new otherwise you're doing yourself a disservice. My 06 had perfect mods and 2k miles in 2010 when I bought it and I paid just over $5k
  15. Negative this one is Defintely a stubborn asshole. He's also spoiled as shit so it ain't me that's the problem for sure
  16. If this puppy doesn't quit being an asshole, I'm seriously considering delivering him to Jbot
  17. As a good man once said, fuck em if they can't take a joke
  18. Not to mention the VFR1200 blows in comparison in everything other than engine
  19. good choice however low maintenance it is not. Also, although I'm not exactly fast it doesn't handle like a heavy bike really. When you're moving the weight difference IMO is negligible to a CBR if you give me your criteria of what you want and price range I can keep an eye out
  20. that was a fantastic deal on the one he linked too
  21. DONT FUCK WITH MY OR!!!! It is absolutely fine the way it is now
  22. I'm sooooo not cut out to raise a puppy
  23. In what regards? Are you disappointed in him? Doesn't make much sense
  24. I must be lucky, I've never had any problem or cockblocks w roommates
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