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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. It's Akron, every dirt bike in this zip code is stolen. You should see some of the idiots that get busted near my office in the summer. Seems like a weekly event
  2. I've had this pizza and it is fucking fantastic except I'm not a dirty hippie and we substituted jalapenos for the pineapple
  3. I know what an interest free loan is. I meant the deductions part of having kids, mortgage interest that I paid to the mortgage company and loan interest that got paid to the student loan company. All of that had to get paid anyway and there was nothing being paid directly to the government from me.
  4. I may not understand this fully because I'm new to it but we owed $54. Then I added the deductions for the two kids being born, student loan interest and mortgage interest and BOOM hello $3k in my pocket for a family vacation this year that the government wasn't getting directly from me
  5. Bose HQ is awesome. Their R&D is unreal and that's also a lot of what you're paying for. But yea I'm not buying that shit, I'll just take the hand me down demo items I sometimes get from work
  6. yea found it back in January and he just let me know first weekend in April he is probably pulling it out of winter storage so hopefully that's when I'm going to go get it. Been keeping my eye out to see if I can find any better deals but so far this is hands down the best one. It has one big drawback about it that I'm not totally thrilled with but I can live with for now
  7. BUT IT WAS 12 YEARS AGO I WANT LAST YEARS and the previous 39 years while we're at it too
  8. Jealous of you old guys, found a gray in my beard right after Christmas and shaved it all off on New years day. I'm not ready for that
  9. bump, someones lady needs a like new helmet for this upcoming season!
  10. Bad324

    Apple Pie

    I'm being totally honest when I say this: i don't know what this is or what the reference may be
  11. Bad324

    Apple Pie

    Drugs and alcohol did this to my mind also twins. I can't even remembered what I wore 2 days ago
  12. Bad324

    Apple Pie

    Hypothetically this would be a good reason for Tonik to meet me in person for the first time
  13. Sweet thanks they are $20 cheaper than the ones I looked at yesterday for CLE to Syracuse
  14. Trying to find the cheapest option for a one way car rental
  15. well yea I'm with them too that government needs to fuck off and keep their nose out of shit. I don't care if private businesses want to discriminate, they are limiting their clientele and putting themselves at risk for terrible PR so that's on them. That sort of thing will work itself out without the government inserting themselves
  16. and hipsters can get the damn man bun chopped off too while we're at it
  17. Surge didn't matter in this case. Browns still would have had 90+ million available for 2017-2018 To make things even better, when they cut RGIII they will only have taken on an additional 8-9 million on their cap
  18. so a Muslim can take off their head scarf and be welcome in the establishment with that line of thinking too
  19. This move is genius. It rarely happens in football simply because bad contracts are almost non-existent
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