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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. ^^if I have extra cash I've been considering picking up a gas or electric smoker in addition to my Weber
  2. I HATED use of charcoal until I got a chimney. It's completely worth the money and you'll never need lighter fluid again. I personally detest lighter fluid
  3. Oh god not another wave thread
  4. ^^for chuck roast I use a bottle of Lawry's Signature Steakhouse marinade. Let it sit for 24 hours then smoke it with the marinade inside a foil pan and it makes ridiculously awesome shredded beef!
  5. Hopefully. I couldn't make it down so I'm hoping my dad got some and sends them my way when he gets back I know I've put pics of it in a thread or 2 already just dont recall which ones
  6. I'm too impatient and lack discipline to do stocks so I invested money into flipping bikes and trailers. The profit I've made has covered the initial investment of my current bike as well as all the brand new furniture I just ordered for my new house
  7. Yea he called me pretty excited. He gets free hotel and airfare and shipping of the car to and from the show in Arizona this December where all 10 finalists will be and winner declared 2 years and 1000s of hours of hardwork have finally paid off for my old man
  8. Looks like the Good Guys show was great to my dad. He won best muscle car out of 6000 cars and is now a 1 of 10 National Finalist to be muscle car of the year!!!
  9. It's like 20 mins west of Massillon. Supposedly Orrville is supposed to have some real awesome fireworks!
  10. :lol: I invite you to any ride thats deemed worthy enough for my presecence so you can knight me Sr Squid Squad at the end...whenever i can catch up
  11. It's the route I wanted to go over last winter and pure laziness kept me from it. This winter however I need to break down as my fat ass has squished the stock foam pretty good
  12. agreed! Except somehow my dumbass has owned 3 Camaro's and 0 TA's
  13. I'd consider just holding on to it because you're gonna get frustrated with the low balls coming at you unless you find someone desperate for one with too much cash. Mine has half the miles and more mods and I think I'd be lucky to get $5400 out of it I love love love the VFR and honestly wouldn't sell mine for under 8k simply because I don't wanna sell it but thats the number that would pry it out of my hands!
  14. what build are you? I highly suggest sending it here instead: http://greatdaytoride.com/Home_Page.php
  15. pontiac didn't die, it got killed off by unimaginative executives
  16. I've always loved the Bandit cars but they are too popular and played out. I'd opt for the classic white as well
  17. MIND......BLOWN wtf that must be new because when they started doing the conversions I called and they said they had no t-top plan in the near future. Well shit is it too late to back out of buying my house?
  18. if they would've figured out how to retrofit it with t-tops, I would've said screw buying a house and plopped down all my money on one in a heartbeat. Alas, no t-tops = no money from bad
  19. definitely lazy, I do it often especially if there is another light or slow down up ahead
  20. Its a new Camaro with the Trans Am conversion My dad saw it this morning and texted me a picture of it as well. It is indeed at the Good Guys show as my dads there with his GTO
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