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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. so nothing on Sunday? if you come up with a route map for Saturday let me know but a WV route will probably take more time than I have. I'm not totally out for Saturday but chances are pretty slim
  2. as long as you guys don't start at like 4am, I might attempt to get out sunday with you. My tires are getting a little too square from only 2 up riding since Deals Gap and I need to fix that!
  3. Welcome! I've got a couple buddies from Genoa though neither live there anymore. Also nice choice on bike!
  4. I actually have those maps bookmarked from when I was a new rider and trying to figure out where I wanted to go. I've saved them for instances such as these, just easier to show a map then type it all out I think my week night busy spell will be slowing soon so usually I can get out about 5:30 and ride til dark so if you ever need some suggestions on stuff you may not have found let me know. I've been super lame with putting on miles this year so trying to make up for that
  5. Honestly, the best thing I started doing when hitting the Valley was just turning at every road I've never been on and get lost and eventually find my way out I also have some decent routes for around the Canton area and just south of Canton
  6. A cruise or a little over the speed limit rides are fine but anything more than that and you either have to worry about cops and park rangers or sketchy ass pavement I suck at remembering road names, I just kind of know where so its a tad hard but some of these maps include some better options but you have to pick and choose, you'll rarely get miles and miles of anything good...more like short bursts ok okayness http://goo.gl/maps/heVV https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Vrooman+Rd&daddr=Williams+Rd+to:41.6711234,-81.1860119+to:Wisner+Rd+to:41.5979531,-81.3080804+to:41.5878106,-81.2989263+to:41.57652,-81.2958+to:41.5356289,-81.2562604+to:41.5174502,-81.2638379+to:41.5005524,-81.2395429+to:41.4776851,-81.2173242+to:OH-44%2FRavenna+Rd+to:41.456755,-81.1840419+to:41.4502326,-81.1585937+to:41.4119243,-81.2271598+to:41.414121,-81.2743204+to:N+Main+St+to:41.4243462,-81.4098927+to:OH-174%2FRiver+Rd+to:41.5929004,-81.3996163+to:41.6034478,-81.3922475+to:41.6126748,-81.3730964+to:41.6371655,-81.3297252+to:Little+Mountain+Rd+to:Hermitage+Rd&hl=en&sll=41.640784,-81.259432&sspn=0.018377,0.031972&geocode=FXQXfAIdKlwp-w%3BFTYpfAIdYPso-w%3BFdPZewIdJTMp-ykPFCNmPaIxiDEykADWoEYgcQ%3BFToFewIdHb8n-w%3BFQG8egIdUFYn-ykrX1hrm6cxiDEds_nO8DaJDA%3BFWKUegIdEnon-ynpi4N0KwgxiDG8VmduXFDWsA%3BFUhoegIdSIYn-ykNW5YyMwgxiDGwoUiF5jszQg%3BFYzIeQIdvCAo-ymDQcaUYwkxiDE-DvxhMFFihA%3BFYqBeQIdIwMo-ykNJSPaUQkxiDEkn5wTZ9_Hxg%3BFYg_eQIdCmIo-ykBtqdHDwwxiDEJUQSkbD86CQ%3BFTXmeAId1Lgo-ynjJxSvWwwxiDFYPw1edL7QRA%3BFbKWeAIduggp-w%3BFXOUeAId1zop-ylDPYapGA0xiDFBCFH0BWZKNA%3BFfh6eAIdP54p-yl19MT7zXIxiDHk5Lr_2fYhUg%3BFVTldwIdaZIo-ymxj2mJbBIxiDEMBBoFDWoDbA%3BFentdwIdMNon-ylFanXcwRExiDG_SGEnZcJm3A%3BFWUxeAIdUA4m-w%3BFdoVeAIdnMgl-yk3wxLkQxsxiDE78PufF2kkIA%3BFYh9egIdpK4l-w%3BFUSoegIdwPAl-ylLQwF0ZAcxiDHPrM-VR1VRXw%3BFXfRegIdiQ0m-ym1aZEb0akxiDEwRfKIhKx9cg%3BFYL1egIdWFgm-ymFCr5dOKgxiDEeVeU9Ud423w%3BFS1VewIdwwEn-ym76gbQM6YxiDFaZhhIlW_5Dw%3BFbljewId1Ycn-w%3BFe5lewId1Qgo-w&mra=mi&mrsp=24&sz=15&via=2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,17,19,20,21,22&dirflg=h&t=h&z=10 https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=5935+Canal+Road,+Cleveland,+OH+44125-4231+(Quaker+Steak+%26+Lube)&daddr=41.350133,-81.601238+to:41.3172317,-81.6035325+to:41.31464,-81.6201+to:41.3025414,-81.6157432+to:41.250542,-81.6350692+to:41.22111,-81.61582+to:41.1765439,-81.5600637+to:100+Cuyahoga+Falls+Industrial+Pkwy,+Peninsula,+OH+44264+(State+8+Motorcycles)+to:41.2082948,-81.4933935+to:41.219676,-81.517141+to:41.2383275,-81.5368721+to:41.252417,-81.5064699+to:41.2551832,-81.5351148+to:41.270754,-81.547898+to:41.279876,-81.5380551+to:41.2634638,-81.5618502+to:Main+St%2FW+Streetsboro+Rd&hl=en&sll=41.253484,-81.577692&sspn=0.036264,0.063944&geocode=FRbAdwIdkHsi-yGSQUbhTkykIikV9qUTQuQwiDHqjeNi1IxZRA%3BFfXzdgIdKt0i-ynhNmOPNOEwiDGxHikr-s8uyw%3BFW9zdgIdNNQi-ykjBorbNOcwiDEKCgnPelvQXg%3BFVBpdgIdfJMi-ymLEeZmP-cwiDGqxxj1So7hWw%3BFQ06dgIdgaQi-ymlAXCXW-cwiDHu-PA3tLmlGw%3BFe5udQIdA1ki-yk7cjwxTtwwiDGnH37uDelIzg%3BFfb7dAIdNKQi-ymzSGXVDtwwiDEmHVVVUWHHfQ%3BFd9NdAIdAX4j-ym3M2MR_tgwiDEIxB5lv-E0Jw%3BFVN0dAIdAEwk-yFIHRf7hPB51ikxx4GhZycxiDFIHRf7hPB51g%3BFebJdAIdb4Ik-ynt5HanyiAxiDGiLMYRMUPTQg%3BFVz2dAIdqyUk-yllpsDcWd8wiDFuB5U3Au9cyA%3BFTc_dQIdmNgj-yk38XZlEt8wiDEuCWZgv-grwQ%3BFUF2dQIdW08k-ykLkq-dfCAxiDFCxBy3fPnImA%3BFQ-BdQIddt8j-yk9-ZM1mN8wiDEU6CgzctUS6w%3BFeK9dQIdhq0j-ymRVkvmtt8wiDGW8Wtj8gC1nQ%3BFYThdQId-dMj-yn1ooVR3d8wiDH2iLx2LEtUTA%3BFWehdQIdBncj-ykfI97_TN4wiDGbxhQ-Omop1w%3BFSRLdQId9ZMj-w&mra=dme&mrsp=16&sz=14&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16&dirflg=h&t=h&z=11 https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=5935+Canal+Road,+Cleveland,+OH+44125-4231+(Quaker+Steak+%26+Lube)&daddr=41.3563599,-81.6038842+to:41.2675939,-81.5535337+to:41.2547029,-81.521151+to:41.2241301,-81.5481374+to:100+Cuyahoga+Falls+Industrial+Pkwy,+Peninsula,+OH+44264+(State+8+Motorcycles)+to:41.28087,-81.48342+to:41.2885978,-81.363539+to:41.301761,-81.3611472+to:41.32584,-81.36041+to:41.3495599,-81.3663972+to:N+Main+St+to:41.4390279,-81.4061569+to:41.4154611,-81.42503+to:41.41375,-81.46656+to:41.3915491,-81.4756724+to:41.3809593,-81.4829038+to:41.3834612,-81.520536+to:41.384006,-81.528005+to:41.3840242,-81.5406431+to:41.3744697,-81.5757859+to:Cleveland+Metro+Pkwy&hl=en&sll=41.424773,-81.395302&sspn=0.036169,0.063944&geocode=FRbAdwIdkHsi-yGSQUbhTkykIikV9qUTQuQwiDHqjeNi1IxZRA%3BFUcMdwId1NIi-yl7asehteYwiDENDFDZGRPs4w%3BFYmxdQIdg5cj-ymRVkvmtt8wiDGW8Wtj8gC1nQ%3BFS5_dQIdARYk-yk9-ZM1mN8wiDEU6CgzctUS6w%3BFcIHdQIdl6wj-ykJ_ycqO98wiDGMVQx3cIsGYw%3BFVN0dAIdAEwk-yFIHRf7hPB51ikxx4GhZycxiDFIHRf7hPB51g%3BFWbldQIdZKkk-ynzE7PjJSAxiDFVOzKIGkHTrg%3BFZUDdgIdrX0m-ym5xHrEbxgxiDHtIpbWpCwGNg%3BFQE3dgIdBYcm-yknkk5vPxgxiDFrt6fF9nhoWg%3BFRCVdgId5okm-ykHDa61yRkxiDFV6AALkVlJkA%3BFbfxdgIdg3Im-ykVMsXajhkxiDGXuAuhMaMv3Q%3BFZQyeAIdmg0m-w%3BFTNPeAIdNNcl-ylnKu22NRsxiDGG-QGO6r-4XQ%3BFSXzdwIdeo0l-yn3m2DQYxsxiDHmTgutzpDOoA%3BFXbsdwIdQOsk-yn58RVR-xwxiDHQKArz-YXYJQ%3BFb2VdwIdqMck-ympB730sR0xiDE8ubpOYpyccw%3BFV9sdwIdaask-yltd38yxB0xiDFktm8i68Mkxg%3BFSV2dwIdaBgk-yk_8_MHDOIwiDGUO8YctP194A%3BFUZ4dwIdO_sj-ykJfggdEuIwiDERjtkDNX2wSA%3BFVh4dwId3ckj-ykrZbQ_POIwiDEgP79sFPpgSA%3BFQVTdwIdl0Aj-ylXGuHb2eMwiDEjCyKydFT9RQ%3BFZlQdwIdbjYj-w&mra=dpe&mrsp=12&sz=14&via=1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20&dirflg=h&t=h&z=11
  7. what kinda riding we talking about here? I have plenty of roads that are fun for what they are in the area but the problem lies in the shitty condition of the pavement
  8. she's also Italian, I'm surprised that you guys didn't anticipate this
  9. this is the perfect car for a woman driver and why I even let my sister buy it in the first place. Its cosmetically challenged so when they are bound to scratch and dent it you don't really care but runs very strong and is excellent on gas!
  10. she looks like me but with a wig, douchey hipster clothing and a better mustache. For a $10 Chipotle Gift Card I shall let you sniff her seat all you want til it sells
  11. perfect, I'll probably end up grabbing a room then and if it turns out I can't make it as it gets closer I'll relinquish it. I've been wanting to get back and visit Indianapolis ever since I moved away from there in 08 but just never have. This could be an excellent excuse
  12. whats the cancellation policy? Its hard to know this far out but I am definitely contemplating it
  13. Cleves, OH...yea not really known for their decision making RIP anyway
  14. pm oldschooldime, I think he had a Sprint
  15. whats the funny other than the dude looks exactly like a guy I went to college with edit: totally just saw its the abs shaved in. I seirously wonder if that is my buddy Aaron WANT!
  16. how about LEDs, air ride and exhaust pipes that shoot flames?
  17. i didnt read the link honestly, heard it on the radio this morning is how I knew
  18. I was being facetious. Though if it went to one solid color and smoked the headlight a bit I think I'd be more inclined to be less facetious I'd loooove to get me a Street Glide but I can't justify the price tag on them. Once I find one under 10k, I might actually take the plunge
  19. i'd rock the hell out of that thing! I'd be the first Pirate Squid hybrid, oh the possibilities to rock 2 stereotypes at one time
  20. its already been said he will be charged as a juvenile
  21. half that would $50 for a quarter which I'd consider damn cheap dirt. $80 for a quarter is like the 80th percentile IMO which is $360 for an ounce
  22. 1) $400/ounce isnt really that expensive 2) there were 6 adult accomplices, the media are just using him for the generated story. He's not the kingpin
  23. i dont think anyone thinks what the police did was right but there were better ways the victim could've handled the situation and not been dead its essentially the same damn argument with those florida assholes that nobody should give 2 shits about
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