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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Bad324

    6-30 or 7-1

    It sucked...was out for 3 hours and only about 80 miles with the woman. I'm fried
  2. The only one I know of is a&a out near Nelson's ledges
  3. Polo's, 1 pair of cargo short and red/white striped button down are all sold
  4. Bad324

    6-30 or 7-1

    Forget this heat!
  5. $1200 or less would be a deal if its running and needs nothing replaced (doubtful) $1800 would be a solid buy
  6. clothes are pending I'll be in Cbus (Bent Tree Golf Course in Sunbury) if anybody wants anything down that way
  7. so far so good from my guys in the field! They are used to working outside in the hot so this isn't much new to probably 75 or so of them. The other 30 are noobs but listen to direction well so they are staying out of trouble. Hopefully this continues as I don't need the paperwork right now
  8. in preventing the above they are enabling possibly higher unemployment rate
  9. its currently 65* here
  10. good to know! Was planning on making it out that way soon with the woman for a ride on Chagrin River Rd
  11. beat me to it. HSA's will be the first thing to go from private companies
  12. not just stator issues...the 02 and 03's were plagued with awful electrical issues. Everything from the stator, R/R, down to the main wiring harness with a focus on the "blue connector". As I tell anyone looking into a VFR, if any part of those have not been replaced that is the first thing you should do and save yourself the headache down the road Other than that, the 6th gen VFR doesn't have real common problems
  13. minmum coverage for your age and I'm assuming few health problems will run you no less than $100/month as of a year ago before this bill passed. Now, you're looking at $225/month so yes, its cheaper to pay the fine and have no coverage at all
  14. in this weather the fan is constantly on so its usually in the 220-230 range which is pretty standard for the VFR from what I've found. The stainless exhaust midpipe(?) puts off a shit ton of heat around my right leg as well as you can feel it heating up the seat a bit more than my previous bikes with undertail exhaust. Mines also black so that doesn't help either I wouldn't think Its nothing concerning really, its just in the design and my need to bitch about something
  15. that isn't how benefits work at all. It is not that cut and dry, if it was everyone would be happier and imo it should work out that way. Unfortunately, it does not and there are way more issues than just a headcount and a rate. honestly, I know I should but quite frankly I don't want to because all I care about is the $ effect on myself and my business. I could give a shit about people and their general well being as its widely known how I feel about most of the US population
  16. if it did, my ass would be on it now somewhere south of here its one of the only things I dislike about the vfr is that the bitch gets too damn hot
  17. too hot and I need to be back no later than 6...otherwise I did give it some thought lol
  18. you ever done benefits coverage for a company? Fucking sucks to balance employee happiness vs realistic employer budget. This just makes it a lot harder to the point where companies will get rid of their programs all together or simply lay off people who cause the rates to go up As I said I don't know much about the bill and its merits and bullshits, just how it will effect employers employees
  19. i don't really know enough about the whole thing but I do know that small businesses and corporations alike are going to now be federally mandated to screw the fuck out of their employees
  20. weiiiiird I've been in politics section since it got segregated. Wonder what happened that it changed on me
  21. what section is it in? apparently I can't see it either and thats never happend to me
  22. Oh yea if it's an 02 ask if they've replaced any electrical components. Chances are they have had to but if they didn't...immediately drop your offer $500 cause you WILL need to replace it all ASAP if you don't want to get stranded
  23. Yes. If you have any questions or want advice on good price and what not PM me. I'm currently trying to help my kill find one too. I've probably gotten one of the better deals on a vfr I've seen in almost 3 years of owning it
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