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Posts posted by drumbtzz

  1. so last night im ridin home with my buddy on a ninja 600 and he takes off, i ponch the throttle and my rpm's shoot up and i get nothing to the wheel...i drop to 5th, try easing on the throttle a little lighter, get a little power to the wheel but not much at all, same as 4th gear....it seems to me my transmission is just slipping, but im also having another issue...when i turn my bike on (not starting just the key is set to 'on') theres a valve just before the y split in my exhaust that constantly opens and closes and squeaks when it does it...no idea if that has anything to do with my loss of power issue or what thats even about....help please??

    edit* - this has turned into a bbq+beer+bike fixing event...r1crusher will be helping me tear apart my clutch, bad324 is providing the garage + grill, and im providing some burgers and beer :)

    if anyone would like to come learn a little about their bike mechanics (like i will be) please contact bad324 for the location. see everyone there!

  2. hey im glad everyone came out for this...looks like i wont be doin any rides for a little while im havin some serious probs with the bike...good meetin everyone again and hope to be back out with you guys soon

  3. Got the day off anyone want to meet up on the west side ?

    i always find a way to get lost when i ride solo :D

    knicks you can meet by me at 530 and we can ride out im off state rd

    if u guys wanta meet then come meet me early its on, i live right off 82 by york...or come up to boneyard early n we'll get a draft b4 we head out

  4. oh yea and on a side note ill actually be at the boneyard around 530-545 with my girl to get food before we head out, if anyone would like to come a little early for some bsing please do

  5. The overflow would be Easiest for me to find everybody. Fuck it, I'll probably just head down 303 into peninsula then hit riverview. Maybe I'll run into you guys. Be careful watch for deer especially towards the end of riverview. You go up the last hill there by a three way stop and i've seen quite a few there. They wander across towards this house on the top of the hill.

    meeting us there would probably be your best bet, there's no need to rush and be reckless on a bike just for a 20 min group ride to qs&l lol..we'll prob be diverted to the overflow seein as there will be more than 5 of us so hit up brian or pm me your number and we'll see you there bud

  6. You guys are killing me with this 6 o'clock crap. I can be at qsl by 645ish or I could meet you guys somewhere along riverview earlier. I can hit it from multiple roads if that sounds good, or I can just ride to the lube. I don't want to hold anyone up. Bad's got my cell number so feel free to hit me up.

    i was sayin meet up at 630 dude...we can wait for 15 or whatev if u wanta show lol rly, it means more beer in my belly and possibly some munchies

  7. Im in for sure ill be at boneyard around 6-615

    cool ill be there at 6 as well...ill be in the patio with my red star shoei helm for everyone that doesnt know me/remember me

  8. yea i didnt think they were but im on my phone so wasnt sure if it was just me...o well....yea i dont kno the area that well so it def cant be me...does this mean ur takin the 636?

  9. edited the opener for the thread...i said 630 meetin time so nobody gets left behind and i have time for a draft before we depart lol...brian ur leadin the pack to valley view...cool with everyone?

  10. not my fault matt has to poop before he goes on a long ride.. lol

    hes got a stomach like a peach..


    we can make it 630 or somethin so nobody hasta rush if ya guys want...so 6 or 630? ill prob still go at 6 and sit on the patio with a beer till ppl show

  11. you mean the broadview boneyard?

    oh don't be a pansy, the canton qs&l can be gotten to in 32mins from my place :D

    yea i ment broadview...just throwin it out there as a option...i kno john is in parma n has been wantin to go so it doesnt matter to me...and had i known canton qs&l was only a half hour...i still woulda said i want beer when i get there ha :)

    as usual i'll be cruising thru and then hitting the roads for a bit.

    thats hopefully my plan too cap...i usually cant take more than 45 min of that place unless there's a real event...

  12. Crap,was hoping it was the canton location. I work till 7:30pm. Only have time to make it to the canton location. :( Well maybe some week we can all meet at the canton qs& l . :)

    lol thats a little hike...i make no promisses unless theres a promise of beer when i get there

  13. Gotcha, use a less slippery lube next time and your hand wont slip off and smack the shower wall again.


    anyway...lol..i heard rain...im goin to the shootin range afternoon-ish if your interested

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