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Posts posted by drumbtzz

  1. looks like 7:00, if not a little earlier.

    I'm going to check on this thread at 5:30 and see who is still planning to meet at McDonDon's at rockside & 21.

    If there are a few people, I'll meet up with them. If it's just going to be me, I'll just head to bike night at 6:00 or so.

    im still stoppin at mickey d's, there will be at a minimum 2 guys i know waitin to meet there...ill be at the mall in about a hour tho fyi...ill be seein some of ya soon

  2. What part of the mall? And depending on work I might have to meet ya at mcD's

    oh yea i forgot to post that...ill edit the opener as well but we meet just left of the main entrance, there's a yellow stripe area at the end of one of the parking rows we always park in and we usually stay near the bikes or on the chipolte/five guys patio while we wait

  3. Might be able to swing by after work and meet up now that the bike is back runiing for now.

    ill believe it when i see it!

    I will try to meet you at McDs.

    cool, im on a dark red r1 n will be with some ppl and my buddy will be waitin at micky d's too on a black/yellow tricked out tl1000r

  4. same thread as last year...everyone who wants to go there will be two meeting spots before we arrive at qs&l...one is westfield southpark mall in strongsville at 6:00-6:15, the second spot is mickey d's on rockside at the top of the hill before canal at 6:30-6:45. the plan usually goes we slab it from the mall to mickey d's n u can hang out as long as ya want, me n my buddies usually go for drinks/ride after about 30-60 min at qs&l...post if ur plannin on goin n if ya want to meet up


    those that plan on meeting at the mall, look just left of the main entrance for a yellow striped area at the end of one of the parking rows, we always park our bikes there and either stay with them or sit on the chipolte/five guys patio so i can inhale taco's while we wait for ppl

    those that plan to meet at micky d's, find a spot against rockside across from the graveyard, im positive we'll find you

  5. This is what Arrow exhaust sounds like, I like it!

    that dude was wearin dark glasses under the dark shield? pfft...

    anyway congrads dude, you should bring it out this sat to our meet-n-greet-n-ride...im expecting a pleasant reaction from my new bike too :)

  6. i have school from 8 till about 1130 that sat but ill be meeting either 2 or 4 of my buddies who arent on the site right at 1130 and shotgunning up the highway from strongsville to qs&l. if anyone wants to join our ride there let me know we can meet at southpark mall or something its right off 71 @ the rt. 82 exit....see you guys there!!

  7. yea those roads are fun i been on a lot of them, im happy just gettin out to ride but any route that lands us at state 8 im in for...like i said i need a few things there anyway...did you guys see sunny n over 60* forecast for that sat

  8. im thinkin we can just debate the route between those of us that are there before 2....my opinion though is shoot down canal to riverview, take rt. 8 to state 8 motorcycles n break there (i need sum bolts neways :p)

  9. So can you guys handle the routing and lead the ride? 1.5 - 2 hours sounds good to me.....

    personally i dont kno the roads good enough to lead, id hold everyone at a really slow pace...ill either get with likwid tonight or try to get out there before the m-n-g n map something out...unless someone wants to take the handlebars on this?

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