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Posts posted by SecondLiar

  1. ... I just wanted to see if their were cheaper rates and which insurance company's were the best for motorcycle rates. I'm going to check out the links provided for alternative insurance and report back.

    Be sure to keep a close eye on what kind and how much coverage you are getting. A lot of those low rates don't have enough coverage if you actually needed it.

  2. I, (I mean, my son) built a winning car once. This was for our local fair, not the scouts, but there were well over a hundred cars. I learned:

    1. Aerodynamics don't matter. His car was simply the block. I have woodworking tools- this was his choice. He painted Bengals colors on it - crudely. Not only was his car a block, the surface was rough.

    2. Relieve the wood behind the wheels so that only a small part of the body near the axle contacts the wheels.

    3. Rub graphite into all parts of the wheels and anything that contacts them.

    4. Drill holes in underside of car and glue in lead. Distribute weight evenly. I used some cast pistol bullets.

    5. Add slightly more weight than is allowed. Depending on the accuracy of the scale, you may be approved. If not, use a pocket knife to shave off a little lead and re-weigh until you have the max allowable weight.

    Good luck.

  3. the one hes renting or the one my dad has?

    My dads is an 04ish Ford F350 diesel dually

    My 2010 2500HD Vortec gets a solid 13mpg towing a 5x8 utility trailer with 2 bikes

    The one he's renting. My dad has owned a few Ford diesels and I don't think he's ever been out of the teens. He's usually lucky to see the high teens.

    Not a Chevy man, but I seriously doubt that a 3500 HD would average 20 mpg, let alone 35.

  4. He had no way to know what was in it. It could have been full of cinder blocks and made to look like a snow man. Imagine if he had hit it then. I'll avoid a fast food bag in the middle of the road if I can. You just never know what could be in it the way people are these days.
    The way I understood it be quit... but by removing that obstical he put everyone on the bus at risk.

    Good points. I stand corrected. Looking at it after the fact it was just snow, but it could have been anything inside. :o

  5. If memory serves me correct somewhere in ohio someone tried to pull a stunt where they put those concrete deer statues in the road and the on coming car swerved to miss it and crashed. I think the driver was hurt too. Just think of the lawsuits if he tried to miss it and wrecked lol

    That bus driver did everyone a favor by removing a hazard. He ought to get a raise instead of being fired.

  6. All of the Mark pistols are a design cluster fuck when it comes to disassembly. Go do a search on how to tear them down and you'll see what I mean.

    Yeah, they are tricky to tear down but it's a non-issue once you've done it a few times. Just read the directions and think it through.

    However, with the accuracy and reliability of my 22/45 I wouldn't care if it took twice as long.

  7. I have one of those in an outbuilding and a smaller wood stove in the house.

    Be sure your chimney is up to snuff. Have it checked by a pro and clean it once a year. Burning green (unseasoned) wood produces a lot of creosote and you waste a lot of heat burning off the moisture. Get a stovepipe thermometer and put it on the pipe about a foot from where it enters the chimney.

    Be sure you keep the blower fans running or you'll overheat the outside shell. I had a power failure and it got hot enough to char the paint.

    Good luck.

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