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Posts posted by Whitey1

  1. Interesting! I'll have to see about that one on my laptop!

    Most of the manufacturers have started doing this. For example Acer uses ALT+F10 at power on, Dell is Ctrl+ F11, HP and Compaq use F10 for XP and F11 for Vista. It makes them a piece of cake to wipe clean and return to new out of box state.

    If this doesnt work for your Toshiba shoot me a pm with your model and I will look it up at work Saturday. If it requires a "trigger" disk to access the partition I may have that also.

  2. Try holding down the 0 (# zero) as soon as you turn the netbook on. Hold down for 5-10 seconds or until it starts to beep and let off. Along the bottom left of the screen it should flash "HDD RECOVERY" and take you into a recovery partition. From here you can choose to restore to an earlier date or to "recover to out of the box state". I hope this is helpful and works on most all of the other Toshibas I sell although I am not familiar with their netbooks.

  3. I very rarely ever see an LCD actually get repaired. Most of the time the lcd panel is more expensive then the original cost of the tv. Are you talking about a true LCD or a LCP or DLP? The latter two have replacement bulbs that vary from $1-200. I send at least 3 tvs a week out to our service center for repair. What sucks is if the light engine goes bad in the projections style. If you can get the part it is usually $500 plus the cost of the bulb. Friggin rip offs. Basicly the manufacturers do not want you to fix your old set.

  4. Unloaded with action open, no matter where it is.

    Trunk is perfectly fine.

    Thanks, I thought it was ok but I was second guessing myself. When me and my homies are gangbanging in the Ford Escort through the hood we just drop the mags on the floorboards and throw the gun into the back hatch.


    Seriously though thanks. I think some of the laws are crazy because we know damn well that someone that plans on breaking the law and commiting a violent crime doesnt give a rats ass whether the action is open etc. I think it is just something they throw out there to add on to charges for criminals.

  5. Could someone please clarify the long gun law. I always put them in my trunk unloaded of course. I figure that would be less likely to cause panic then if I was next to someone at a stoplight with it laying on my seat.

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