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Everything posted by Zach

  1. Funny seein the anti-immigrant stuff coming from the ginger one.
  2. explains his expertise in tranny guys.
  3. try playing with both at the same time. that's hard
  4. u can play it here on OR
  5. good. for a second I thought I was alone. My naked SV really threw them off.
  6. I see. As an outsider, it seems the "truth" is probably laying somewhere in the middle of this mess. Jilted lovers, a love triangle, and the openness of an interweb forum have made this thing ridiculous. Kev, I know you and you're friends with many on here, but you've made your point. People that believe you won't trust Grundish anymore. To continue this rampage however only serves to make you look like a quibbling a-hole. A shitty situation is one thing, but if you don't have enough evidence to get this guy charged with a crime, your rants lose credibility the longer you go on.
  7. because 900s and 954s are cheaper than 1k's so you slap a 1k sticker on it and when people you know ask if it's a thousand you can say "Yep- look!" Seriously, I'm the only dude that's had a brotha ask him if their sportbike was a thousand?
  8. whose name is the title in?
  9. Anybody who has ever been to the Taco Bell at OSU should understand why this thread exists.
  10. It's a status thing. "I've got a liter" or "Yeah, it's a thousand" is important to them. Sorry to see that Ronald McFireblade though
  11. Zach


    well they're black and shiny.
  12. Zach


    I'm gonna kick you in the tits!
  13. snopes should really be republicanbuzzkill.com
  14. yeah, that's a definite challenge. If you're going to depend on family for child care (especially in the next year/2 years) it may be beneficial for you to suck it up and commute. do you drive a car that can handle the miles?
  15. I find it funny that the only dude wearing his hat correctly is the one with sun it his eyes.
  16. why don't you move somewhere in the middle? Even moving north of 270 will really help getting to mansfield when you want to get there and not deal with as much traffic. you gotta ask yourself how often will you be going to mans. if it's daily, it makes sense, but if it's like every other weekend, that's not much motivation to move there, IMO.
  17. haha, small freakin world. I've been good.

  18. kaitlyn, kelsey, and allyson

  19. I think I know you... you used to get babysat with my sisters, IIRC. That our you're a dead ringer for that kid.
  20. So what you're saying is that you actually approve of this dancing, but you just don't want to see it or think about it until they hit 18...
  21. To these girls, it is innocent. They have no clue what they're doing is sexual. besides, what guy doesn't like a girl with the flexibility and moves from years of dancing?
  22. this is just casper's way of seeing who isn't busy on saturday and he will be comparing the list to who has volunteered. in for tix
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