Good suit for the money. May not be great for a racer that enjoys asphalt surfing on a frequent basis, but it will definitely keep your hide in good shape.
vertical-scope ( bought another forum I frequent (svrider) about a year ago. We haven't had any real issues with the changeover. Rediculous threads like you described has more to do with the r-tards that buy r6's than troubles caused by VS.
I'm not throwing you under the bus. I'm explaining MY reaction as a potential customer. The first bike I clicked on was a 2002 F4i. I looked at the pics and saw all the damage that I described (and then some). So I ventured over to NADA and it listed a Low Retail price of $100 LESS than you have your salvage title bike listed for. At this point I feel offended and do not wish to pursue the transaction. I don't feel that it is worth my time to negotiate a better deal when it seems that the price is drastically higher than it should be. I fully understand that you guys inspect your bikes to a great extent and therefore stand behind them. I also understand that you need to turn a profit to stay in business. Just don't expect me to come running in there eager to throw cash down.
yes, they are known for those in places that motoGP is really popular. like europe. I'm not debating the quality or capability of their bikes, they just don't have enough presence here.