I am a relative new member here so I should probably just keep my mouth shut... But that's not me. I've had the pleasure to meet several Ohio Riders in person at a couple different bike nights. Everyone I've met so far seems to be pretty good people and I'd like to think that will continue with each subsequent member I meet. My interactions on the forum haven't been as consistently gracious. Now some of you are going to say that I'm only spouting off now because I got a bunch of negative rep. To be honest, that is a bit true, but not in the way you think. I noticed immediately upon joining the board a very divisive clique culture. One that seemed to thrive on this "rep" thing. I thought to myself, "that's kinda cool, they've got a system to indicate what members are generally stand-up individuals." This seemed to be a really neat tool that would help new and old members alike to determine who to trust for advice or who were good people to deal with. To an extent this is true. Unfortunately this system is significantly abused when the inevitable forum argument breaks out. "I don't like what you have to say, I'm going to negative rep you and not sign it! hahahlolololrofl!" I mean really? Is this what we've come to? I can't come to a forum and have a discussion with opposing viewpoints without a dogpile? Now the standard defense will be, "Nobody forced you to click on or reply to that thread." This I understand. Do we really need so much hostility? I also understand mob mentality. When kept in check reasonably, it's fine. Should the group react to someone that abused the generosity of forum members? Definitely. But do we need to keep jumping on his carcass once he's thrown in the towel? I realize that my opinions are just that. I'm not trying to start a debate or argument. I just had to get this off my chest. I'd like to think that this could be a VERY successful forum. Ohio is one of the top motorcycling states in the country and having THE forum dedicated to that could become a very powerful (and lucrative ) tool. Unfortunately the grating behavior of some long time members makes it quite difficult for new members to come in and gain footing. I came in with a wave of other guys from ADV and most of them joined and then never came back. Why? Because of all the stupid and petty fighting. Most people that join forums are quiet adult lurkers that will simply float under the radar and never post. If this site has a bunch of angry people all over the place, they don't stick around. Now you may say, "who cares? if they don't like it, there's the door!" but from an administration standpoint, membership gives this forum power. Power to generate ad revenue and the ability to get bigger and better. So what do I want? That doesn't really matter. I'm just one voice jabberin (too much coffee today, I think.) I do think the need for reputations should be assessed. Or maybe make signatures automatic? I think that would go a long way to relax some of the e-thugs. You made it this far? Whoah. Zach out.