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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. Sneezing milk out my dick
  2. Will buy in 10 years. Looks tits
  3. i have a boot/binding set up thats really nice that ill let you steal from me jeff. I used to work at Aspen ski and bought this stuff when i worked there about 3 years ago. PM me your # and ill send pics from my phone when i go up to my parents house later today. They are Ride orion boots and K2 cinch bindings that have 1 season on them. Still have the box for them too i think. boots are black, grey and red. bindings look like this.... http://www.backcountry.com/images/items/large/K2S/K2S0153/C05WT.jpg
  4. I'll join this vigilante force
  5. I'll let know you. Got a lot of people that want in on this and I can only take 1 out at a time.
  6. It was kinda unplanned lol. A 308 isnt too much at all. If i had a 50 cal id use it. I dont give a flying fuck about the hide. I just wanna kill shit in a bad way.
  7. GET SOME http://www.empireonline.com/images/features/movie-namesakes/charles-bronson-2.jpg
  8. here is a pic of the first coyote i got from that spot, it was 42lber and shot in the head with a .243 at about 175-200yrds. These are not from last night, just a teaser to hold the bloodthirsty ones over. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v378/38/5/547872467/n547872467_1606028_4016.jpg Shameless shirtless shot (SSS) holding the kill and weapon of death. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v378/38/5/547872467/n547872467_1606030_4420.jpg I might not be out tonight cause im going to a rave party here in campus, but ill be out sunday night.
  9. I agree with you. Being a bouncer does not mean your job is to punch people. Its the opposite. Subdue the situation not makenit worse.
  10. I've tried all kinds of calling over the years and it doesn't seem to work. A good bait pile seems to do the trick. The packs tend to be pretty active. Tonight I killed a coon, nothing special. The wind molested my hunt. Tomorrow I'm hoping for better wind.
  11. Ive got a great system here as long as I have the wind working with me. Tonight it's kinda all over. It's coming across my 4 o clock and I'm pretty sure my hunt is now molested because of it. Shit gets active right around now though, so we will see.
  12. Smokinghawk is a pro. He knows everything there is to know about everything. K? He can lift the most weight, drink the most beer and fucks supermodels on the reg. I think we should all just kneel down and kiss his pinky ring.
  13. Just heard 3 large packs all within a mile of me. The wind is seriously sucking dick right now. Might be what keeps the bloodshed from goin down tonight. We'll see though.
  14. I just assumed bouncer since he worked there and wasn't serving drinks.
  15. Blood will flow like the Nile young padiwon, all in due time. Oh and this is from my iPhone thank you very much gape.
  16. Sadly, being a bouncer It sounds like your friend is out of luck. Shit like this happens all the time and because of the atmosphere it's hard to tell what's going on all the time. I'm sorry for your friend. The only way he can really do anything is with video. Basically everyone is drinking, thus making statements relatively invalid according to cops they need video. hope that jackass gets fired. I've always been taught never to strike someone unless I absolutely have to AFTER they throw the first punch. Then it's on like donkey kong baby.
  17. Accidental double post. Fuck it's cold.
  18. I've had the bait pile in the same spot for 3 years now, I pick up anything that's dead off the road and toss it there. Deer, skunk, coon, you name it and it's been there. I can tell they are hungry cause they started digging in the dirt for bones and shit.
  19. The wind isnt working with me right now. It was fine earlier. I can hear them about a mile out in the field. All the coyotes I've gotten/been with people that have gotten I've all been taken around 2-3am so it's deff a waiting game.
  20. It's all fun n games till I massacre a coyote clan.
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