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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. ive never had to wait either.
  2. It matters not if you watch fox or msnbc. Your still misinformed, if you think thats not true than the jokes on you.
  3. Bob sell it to me so I can keep my line of parnis fresh!! Oh and Im pulling the trigger on a Welder K23 in 24k gold. Mmmm sexy.
  4. Funny thing is, I have a Chinese friend from China that had cancer and got those same words done. His look nothing like yours. My guess is yours mean "fist pumper" and "tanning". I'll show him your pic and let you know what yours mean.
  5. Pound town, then go downtown for some cherry pie.
  6. you gonna shoot your eye out
  7. thatta boy. You go to Chad at Byers mazda/subaru?
  8. Yeah it's been around campus since summer, get a clue old people.
  9. I bet he cums on his own face. What a man.
  10. Very sorry to hear Ben. Welcome to the totaled STi club though. I miss mine almost everyday I don't think God likes STi's much cause no one can seem to NOT total them.
  11. oh8sti

    S14 KAt

    Paint should fix the look. I like it man.
  12. thats some bullshit. We should get a poll to get him back on. At least he was funny.
  13. This thread just went to EL OH EL status
  14. Lol I'm forever alone, all I have is my cars and I want to show them.
  15. 2002 WRX http://images.dealerrevs.com/pictures/15476758.jpg 1997 Ford F-350 4 door Long bed 7.3l Powerstroke http://image24.webshots.com/25/9/53/72/31795372pXYwHZJxva_ph.jpg 2008 Subaru STi http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs225.snc1/7231_194146142467_547872467_4014192_537234_n.jpg 2010 Denali http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs282.snc4/40448_485826577467_547872467_6841271_757983_n.jpg
  16. I guess I can allow you to come into team PANDUH if you like.
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