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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. going hunting tonight. parents say theres been some motherfuckers running through the yard. We have 3 dogs including my english/american bulldog. So basically im gonna kill something without mercy tonight. Ill post pics in the morning. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs031.snc6/166119_10150169644452468_547872467_8629710_1127807_n.jpg
  2. What kind of things are up for auction?
  3. i have one from my 08 STi that has about 200 miles through it just sitting in my parents garage. Ill call him.
  4. Ben you could swap trunks+cheese with some rice boy that wants a wing. And profit?
  5. Everyone that runs 11s or better basically. I got that notch. Don't worry bout what I'm doing either Philly.
  6. Who this fuck is this fatty?
  7. I wouldn't be all that surprised to read that the hells angels just mow the entire church down with AKs and glocks. Once they are all dead we won't have to hear about this cult anymore.
  8. Usuaully get body parts from the morgue.
  9. Im way to lazy for that. Thanks though Doc. I loved that series and have it on VHS. haha funny that now the name Winters rings a bell.
  10. Lol no just saying tea party for everything now.
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